maybe we could add a block or two like
[hide list{list}] kind of block
maybe [change variable size to [36]pixels]
when stop button clicked
[yell [WHAT?} for {2} seconds]
oh and they should change the abreviation for seconds...we dont really need it.
us that good?
OH! one more thing! there should be a new categorie on scratch that us hidden somewhere with all the obsolete blocks and the categorie would be called [secret].
in order of your post:
the show/hide list blocks are planned for scratch 2.
the variable size might be good
stop button clicked isn't really needed. the point of it is to stop everything
how would yell work? would it be large, bold, etc?
having it say )secs>[/blocks] is much shorter.
to get the obsolete blocks, just 'resurrect' them. no need for another category.
hey that would be a grat idea
i agree with timetravelernick, the idea of the speech bubbles being spikey for a yell box would be brilliant. The font should also be bold and largened to make it look like someone isnt just talking in a normal voice or a whisper.
The-Critic wrote:
i agree with timetravelernick, the idea of the speech bubbles being spikey for a yell box would be brilliant. The font should also be bold and largened to make it look like someone isnt just talking in a normal voice or a whisper.
Hey, you just suggested a whisper!
How about completely re-making the say and think blocks, turning them into?
The menu would then have say, think, yell and whisper!
LS97 wrote:
The-Critic wrote:
i agree with timetravelernick, the idea of the speech bubbles being spikey for a yell box would be brilliant. The font should also be bold and largened to make it look like someone isnt just talking in a normal voice or a whisper.
Hey, you just suggested a whisper!
How about completely re-making the say and think blocks, turning them into … ff/pic.gif?
The menu would then have say, think, yell and whisper!
yeah, good idea!
stickdude123 wrote:
maybe we could add a block or two like
[hide list{list}] kind of block
maybe [change variable size to [36]pixels]
when stop button clicked
[yell [WHAT?} for {2} seconds]
oh and they should change the abreviation for seconds...we dont really need it.
us that good?
OH! one more thing! there should be a new categorie on scratch that us hidden somewhere with all the obsolete blocks and the categorie would be called [secret].
good idea!
I didn't exactly mean to mention the word whisper. I was just trying to make a point lol. But thats a great idea scimonster to havi it as a list and you just pick which one you want to do. Then you could have think, say, yell, whisper and it would be perfect.
The-Critic wrote:
I didn't exactly mean to mention the word whisper. I was just trying to make a point lol. But thats a great idea scimonster to havi it as a list and you just pick which one you want to do. Then you could have think, say, yell, whisper and it would be perfect.
Ehm Ehm..! Who?
LS97 wrote:
The-Critic wrote:
I didn't exactly mean to mention the word whisper. I was just trying to make a point lol. But thats a great idea scimonster to havi it as a list and you just pick which one you want to do. Then you could have think, say, yell, whisper and it would be perfect.
Ehm Ehm..! Who?
I noticed that too.
Can't keep a straight face for long
Last edited by scimonster (2011-06-12 09:40:26)
how about
<change size by( ) and glide( )secs to x )y