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I am planing to make an action RPG with a top view just like pokemon, earthbound, and the first final fantasys. I have no idea how to make the background scroll up and down as my character moves. Does anyone know how I should do this?
Well, what you would need to do is set X and Y scrolling variables and make those variables change when your character moves up and down. The rest is just standard scrolling programs, but you need to do to sets of scrolling scripts and change the variables to the second one so that it'll scroll both up and down.
It's actually quite simple - perhaps this Scratch Wiki article could be useful.
coolstuff wrote:
It's actually quite simple - perhaps this article could be useful.
Thanks. So how would I do a tile based scroll system, so lets say that I want the background to be made of tiles that are like 50 by 50 pixels.
BobertMobingston wrote:
coolstuff wrote:
It's actually quite simple - perhaps this article could be useful.
Thanks. So how would I do a tile based scroll system, so lets say that I want the background to be made of tiles that are like 50 by 50 pixels.
Lol you can't in Scratch. Scratch has poor performance with many sprites needed for tile systems and the lack of multidimentional arrays and poor ability to reference vairables makes this an impossible task. Just make large scrolling sprites, it won't let you make professional games but you can still mdake something.
archmage wrote:
BobertMobingston wrote:
coolstuff wrote:
It's actually quite simple - perhaps this article could be useful.
Thanks. So how would I do a tile based scroll system, so lets say that I want the background to be made of tiles that are like 50 by 50 pixels.
Lol you can't in Scratch. Scratch has poor performance with many sprites needed for tile systems and the lack of multidimentional arrays and poor ability to reference vairables makes this an impossible task. Just make large scrolling sprites, it won't let you make professional games but you can still mdake something.
Alright thanks. I just wanted tiles because it would be easy to work with so I could easily make blocks that you couldnt walk through. How do you make parts of it impassable so you dont walk through walls.
What is the acual script that you use?
(For ScrollY, I can already do Scroll X)
The one here. I want it so there are some objects that you cannot walk through like walls or other obstacles.
That is the easiest way to do things, hopefully that is what you want.
thanks a thin black outline on what I want it not to pass will be great! One final question is how would I make some real time moving enemies sort of like legend of zelda except my game scrolls?
You would do something like this for the enemies
set X to (scrollX+Xposition)
set Y to (scrollY+Yposition)
In this, the variables Xposition and Yposition are used to alter the sprite's movement around the map.
For example, increase Xposition to make the enemy go to the left.
Its not really working for me. So far for the enemy this is what I have. The character wont scroll though and it dosnt move very smoothly (that may be because i am experimenting on a bat.)
You didn't really even attempt my method from the look of your scripts :S
Another huge mistake you are making is moving the sprite up down left and right with the move block and directions, this is a big NO NO.
I will post a picture of the script you should have. Remember, that in a scrolling area, the scrollX, and scrollY variables must always be considered when positioning the sprite.
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