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#1 2011-02-05 18:31:17

Registered: 2010-04-24
Posts: 1000+

How to protect your account

After the super hack attack of Feb 5 2011 on Spritemaster, deleting all of his projects and posting bogus ones, I decided to post this.

Part 1: Your password

This is first because it's the most important. To make a good password, you need both uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers. For example, if you have two dogs named Fido and Kitty, have your password be "fitTykidO2". Let's break that down a bit. "fitTy" is a combination of Fido and Kitty, with an uppercase T to make it harder to crack. "kidO" is again a combination of Fido and Kitty, with a big O. The "2" would be because there is two dogs. The ideal password is 6 to 15 characters long, or else it is easy to break because it is to short, or it takes you a hundred tries to get it right because it's too long. You should change your password every three months a LEAST, to keep things unpredictable. EDIT: And DO NOT have your password be something like your username, qwerty, or 12345.

Part 2: How to find out if you're hacked

Check all of your projects and forum posts every few months to make sure there aren't any weird disappearances or edits. If weird galleries start appearing on your list of bookmarked ones, don't worry. Any galleries your friends make or bookmark will appear on your bookmarked.

Part 3: If you think you've been hacked 

If you EVER think you are hacked, change your password and contact the scratch team immediately. You can do this by 1) clicking the "Contact us" link at the bottom of any page, or 2) contacting a scratch team member directly. A few people from the scratch team are Paddle2see and Lightnin.

I guess that's it. Leave a post if you think I should add anything!

Last edited by GameHutSoftware (2011-02-06 12:33:37)

Lurking more than posting, but still here.



#2 2011-02-05 21:52:35

Registered: 2010-03-07
Posts: 500+

Re: How to protect your account

Neat post! Very informal; I bet this will be extremely helpful to those who have been hacked. You should also mention to not make your password the obvious, like your username and other common things, such as 12345... or qwerty or asdf. Otherwise, excellent!



#3 2011-02-05 22:45:22

Registered: 2007-09-12
Posts: 1000+

Re: How to protect your account

nice ideas.
i think i got password guess once because i tried a few times to login and i couldn't only to find it had been changed to something really weird. (dont remember what though)

since then i try to change my password about once a month  smile



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