When opening a file I received the message that follows:
Could not read project; file may be damaged:
(Message not understood: [greater than symbol])
I have been saving my files under Projects/Games. I was working on a game (the sequel to SPACE DUST) and after downloading 1.3 I proceeded working on it. I saved and opened it a few times without the hassle, but it has happened now and I know naught that can be done. (If this is a repeated problem, kindly redirect me to that forum.)
<if><( Response <=> 1 )>
<say[ Thank you
Last edited by lab-tbrown (2008-09-03 13:06:46)
i tryed 3 of my 1.2.1 projects and it opened fine.
it could be-
file to large(unlikely- i could open a 20mb project in it fine)
croupt file
the file name
sqeak/project/scratch damaged.
now i got one of those- i atempted to download a project with netscratch beta.
ful error:
Could not read project; file may be damaged:
(message not understood-x)
i didnt get what you got, but upload a project showing what happened to you.
Last edited by TheCatAndTheBanana (2008-09-04 09:00:31)
Hi, lab-tbrown.
I'm sorry that you cannot open your project. How large is the file?
It sounds as though your file got corrupted somehow. Were you running Scratch from a USB Flash drive or a network drive? I have sometimes seen file corruption problems in those cases. Another possible problem is that your local disk is full, or very close to full. Or you could have a hardware problem with your disk. Or your system could have a virus.
I hope you did not lose too much work. Given that something may be unreliable about your system, it might be a good idea to make backup copies of your projects as you work on them.
-- John