I'm trying to do this: http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic … 70&p=1. Anyway, the topic's been closed, so I can't ask there. Does anyone know how to do this?
kimmy123 wrote:
http://scratchhtmlviewer.net23.net/image.php?project=[Put the project number here]&user=[Put your username here]
That's what kimmy123 posted on the other topic, just insert your project number and username there.
If you don't know a project number, it's the number at the end of the project URL.
you have to use the url and img tags.
kayybee wrote:
post what you have. or else we don't know what you have.
Dinoclor wrote:
kayybee wrote:
post what you have. or else we don't know what you have.
I don't think you understand - you're supposed to take away the stuff in brackets. Try this:
coolstuff wrote:
Dinoclor wrote:
kayybee wrote:
post what you have. or else we don't know what you have.
I don't think you understand - you're supposed to take away the stuff in brackets. Try this:
http://scratchhtmlviewer.net23.net/imag … r=DinoclorCode:
Ohhhh. THANKS! I thought those were like comments in C or comments in Scratch.