well, for first I don't know how you do scroll. second thing, I am having a problem with a program.
<when green flag clicked> <hide><wait until><(<{ waitscreen }><=>1)><show>
It's supposed to hide the sprite in the time you don't see it and but you see it but it doesn't.
I also need help with scrolling. My idea it looks this way.
<when green flag clicked> <go to x 0 )y 0 scroll =<{ scrollspeed }>
This is a guess. help!
I don't know about the first one but heres a scrolling tutorial i made: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/funnyman1120/1254902
No need to fear, llama kid is here! Wow, that's cheezy. Well, let's get on to the point, shall we?
TO scroll, look at this helpful Scratch WIki page: http://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/wiki/Scrolling
The scripting in which how to scroll is in this informational article as well as detailed explanation. If you want an easy example, try looking at the Scratch examples of scrolling in your downloaded Scratch; it's in examples section of Scratch. Good luck!
Last edited by kingofdallamas (2011-02-05 00:04:46)