I don't know how to get flash and how much different it is from scratch. Could someone please help me
Flash is $700 but you can use it to make games and animations that are proffesional quality. You can get a 30-day free trial of flash here: http://www.adobe.com/products/flash/?promoid=BPDEE
so does it come with everything it taklks about like action script etc
thelasthorizon wrote:
so does it come with everything it taklks about like action script etc
Actionscript is this language you program it in. I would look at Archmage's forum thread about making a moveable object. I think I'm proficient enoughto try and help you (I say proficient, not advanced). it comes with everything you need
k thanks i am going to downlaod the free version then if i like it i have enough money to buy it. SO u would recommend it right
thelasthorizon wrote:
k thanks i am going to downlaod the free version then if i like it i have enough money to buy it. So you would recommend it right
Yep. Funnest thing ever. And similar to Scratch
big-bang wrote:
could somebody tell me about flash? scratch is my only programming language.
O.K., it's semi liek Scratch but you ave to type everything out. Like this:
onClipEvent (load){
var speed = 0;
var maxspeed = 20;
var minspeed = -20;
onClipEvent (enterFrame){
if ((Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT))and(speed<maxspeed)){
speed += 1;
speed = speed*.98
_x += speed;
I tink that's enough brackets… but that is it. Notice it uses the If block, and block, varaibles, etc
big-bang wrote:
ahhh i think my dad uses it to program.
Thats cool. He probably already has a copy of flash then. See if he can teach you a thing or 2.
Yay scratch 1.3 is out but i problably won't need it and thanks for all of the help
thelasthorizon wrote:
is it flash cs3?
Yep. That's it
thelasthorizon wrote:
yay i can download it tonight
Here is basic movement. It IS case sensitive (use Actionscript 2.0 . I find it easier):
onClipEvent (enterFrame)
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)){
_x += 5;
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)){
_x -= 5;
that is left and right. I think you can do the up and down, as long as you know the Y axis is inverted, so you go up when subtracting from it (so to go up, it would be _y -= blank) and vice versa
onClipEvent (enterFrame) - for MC's (MovieClips), you need to start each script. This is like a hat block. Now the frame is on the timeline, so it is when you access that frame number it will do this
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) - this is checking to see if the key is down. It only works for things like arrows and space (make sure they are all caps). If you want to use letters like WADS, you use numbers (and maybe a different line of code?)
_x += 5 - moves your MC 5 pixels(?) to the right. Vice versa for subtraction
} - these open ({) and close(}) the codes. It will automatically determine the placement, though usually when I get a syntax error, I have either A) the wrong amount of brackets, or B) to many parenthesis (make sure you close everything with these)
I'm sure Archmage could do a better job explaining…
k thanks im horrible at it right now so thanks for the advice
when i download flash does it automatically download the flash player? when i go to test my scipt nohting happens at all. I tried to trace numbers and nothing happened
thelasthorizon wrote:
when i download flash does it automatically download the flash player? when i go to test my scipt nohting happens at all. I tried to trace numbers and nothing happened
Alright. here is what to do:
Make an object (like a circle). Now right click, go down to "convert to symbol" and type in it's name (I'll use "guy"). Make sure movie Clip is selected (because those are the only ones that can move. Someone prove me wrong). Now accept. At the bottom left should be some tabs (like properties, compiler errors, etc). Click "properties". Now you will see a place that says "<instance name>". Type in whatever you named your Movieclip (so guy in this case). Now code!