i have the old stretch block, and it only has change stretch not set stretch. i need it to set stretch to mouse x. if you can figure it out tell me.
i tried change stretch by mouse x just now and it worked!!!!!!
JD_Wardrop wrote:
i tried change stretch by mouse x just now and it worked!!!!!!
no, i need set, not change.
if you want to set it to say 100, you could do change stretch by (100 - stretch)
thats if there is a stretch button. if not create a variable called stretch and whenever you change stretch, change the variable called stretch by the same amount. thats the only way i can think of at them moment.
this is show and tell so somone has to share a project
Goldfish01 wrote:
this is show and tell so somone has to share a project
Unfortunately, they can't because the stretch block is not found in the official Scratch release. Show and Tell also covers topics like this, but maybe this should be moved to All About Scratch.