Future Scratch Updates
Welcome to my suggestions for future scratch updates. At the moment, scratch is a great program, however I think it could defentily use some improvments to make it even better and simpler to use. So here are some of my suggestions that I would love to see in V1.4 and maybe future versions, as well as some website improvments which I think are needed.
Scratch Blocks
• If touching (sprite) bounce
• Point Away
• Previous Costume
• Go to back
• Go behind/ infront of (sprite)
• If colour is touching (sprite)
Variable and Lists
• Move (variable name) to x: ( ) y: ( )
• Move (variable name) in front of (sprite)
• Show more decimal places for variables
• Move (list name) to x: ( ) y: ( )
• Move (list name) in front of (sprite)
Paint Editor Updates
• Move costume to x: ( ) y: ( ) < Easier than dragging the costume
• Create shadow of last costume < Useful when postioning multiple costumes
Website Updates
• Show more recent projects - Around 10
• Get rid of top remixed.
I hope you like my ideas Please post any constructive feedback.
Check out this: http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic … 911#p80911
Last edited by Dan01 (2008-12-04 16:22:59)
I like them all! Don't forget Hide/Show lists, and move list to X () y ()
Make sure to check out my forum post about new features on the Scratch website:
http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/jlai/339700 - Profile Page
http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/jlai/340574 - Project Page
There are a bunch of webpage improvements here. Check 'em out.
(Mainly I just don't want to retype all of mine.)
If touching () bounse, point away, prev costume, go to back and go behind () all are not needed. Nearly all of these can be made already, point towards and turn 180, goto costume (cotume#-1), go back(9999) and for go behind, id rather suggest a layer variable be made, and the sencing block updated with other sprite's variable and just a normal bounce block instead ofif on edge bounce.
But nice ideas.
yambanshee wrote:
If touching () bounse, point away, prev costume, go to back and go behind () all are not needed. Nearly all of these can be made already, point towards and turn 180, goto costume (cotume#-1), go back(9999) and for go behind, id rather suggest a layer variable be made, and the sencing block updated with other sprite's variable and just a normal bounce block instead ofif on edge bounce.
But nice ideas.
Yea, but those blocks would make life a lot easier.
Zelda123 wrote:
Previous Costume and Point Away are unnecessary. What's the difference between If colour is touching (sprite) and the If Sprite is touching (Colour)?
Really! I agree. You could just to point in direction: (0 - X position of SPRITE) and there you go.
oh, could you add some sort of way to link such as limbs and stuff together so they move all together but rotate and other things separately, that way I can make stickman videos more like the ones on pivot <play sound[ plz. thnks
Zelda123 wrote:
Previous Costume and Point Away are unnecessary. What's the difference between If colour is touching (sprite) and the If Sprite is touching (Colour)?
Yes on previous costume as it already exists. It is known as [switch to costume( (costume) -1)]
<{ }>only one thing for the list if you see there's not an option to hide or show, so be really good if the scratch 2.0 have that option
Scratch Blocks
• If touching (sprite) bounce
//this is not needed, what is needed is "bounce". we have "if". unless you like trig, bounce is needed.
• Point Away
//point away from what? the edge? if from sprite, point toward sprite ___ turn 180˚
• Previous Costume
//change to [costume #-1]
• Go to back
//go back _____
• Go behind/ infront of (sprite)
//really, if you want simplicity this is needed, but we don't NEED NEED this.
• If colour is touching (sprite)
//again, not need needed but is good to have.
Variable and Lists
• Move (variable name) to x: ( ) y: ( )
• Move (variable name) in front of (sprite)
//it should be "go front ____ layers..."
• Show more decimal places for variables
//i've seen variables with more decimals... i think... if not, this is easily doable with more than one variable.
• Move (list name) to x: ( ) y: ( )
• Move (list name) in front of (sprite)
Paint Editor Updates
• Move costume to x: ( ) y: ( ) < Easier than dragging the costume
• Create shadow of last costume < Useful when postioning multiple costumes
Website Updates
• Show more recent projects - Around 10
//they only need one row for newest projects... Why do you need more?
• Get rid of top remixed.
//NO. Scratch is all about remixing, that's why it's called scratch. too lazy to go in depth.
kayybee wrote:
Scratch Blocks
• If touching (sprite) bounce
//this is not needed, what is needed is "bounce". we have "if". unless you like trig, bounce is needed.
• Point Away
//point away from what? the edge? if from sprite, point toward sprite ___ turn 180˚
• Previous Costume
//change to [costume #-1]
• Go to back
//go back _____
• Go behind/ infront of (sprite)
//really, if you want simplicity this is needed, but we don't NEED NEED this.
• If colour is touching (sprite)
//again, not need needed but is good to have.
Variable and Lists
• Move (variable name) to x: ( ) y: ( )
• Move (variable name) in front of (sprite)
//it should be "go front ____ layers..."
• Show more decimal places for variables
//i've seen variables with more decimals... i think... if not, this is easily doable with more than one variable.
• Move (list name) to x: ( ) y: ( )
• Move (list name) in front of (sprite)
Paint Editor Updates
• Move costume to x: ( ) y: ( ) < Easier than dragging the costume
• Create shadow of last costume < Useful when postioning multiple costumes
Website Updates
• Show more recent projects - Around 10
//they only need one row for newest projects... Why do you need more?
• Get rid of top remixed.
//NO. Scratch is all about remixing, that's why it's called scratch. too lazy to go in depth.
ok, kayybe, some of those I think you disagreed with just for the heck of disagreeing with them, you wrote explenations that didn't really make that much sense