Welcome to the most highly anticipated, high risk, high gain raceing development in the country! This event is brought to you by R. A. C. E R. (Really Arrogant Certified Extra-Racers) which is sponsored by The Crimson King Co.! Steer your highly advanced Roller Car through the dangerous obsticles, jumps, turns, lifts, boosters and thin air in these one of a kind courses!
A fall might not kill you, but it won't be pleasant and we would have to Beam-You-Up-Scotty.
Use those Fancy-Smancy Arrows to steer your car down this course designed to slow you as much as possible. There are many different tiles, some good, some bad. You will have to find out yourself which are which!
Please post any compliants, guidance and tips so we can make our facultys better. If you have an idea for a course, please say so!
We like Love-its!
Here is the link--> http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Bobby500/254724
Thanks to dingdong for the music.
Last edited by Bobby500 (2008-08-31 20:48:34)
3 views/3loveits. I think thats a good ratio.
Your welcome.
Now its 7 love-its to 8 views! Common people, please take a look!
I will add soon another level, so if you haven't seen it, please go soon. Its called Twister Terror and is specifially designed to force you off the edge. Good luck!
Edit: It is now up and ready for racing. Test your steering skills on this one of a kind course, specifically designed with you in mind. Designed to knock you off as many times as possible that is! Don't worry, there are some nice senic forest views to watch as you fall to your doom. Have a nice day!
Last edited by Bobby500 (2008-09-01 07:14:33)
I am now working on a new level, Skynet. Hopefully, it will be good. Other than that, thats the last level to be made as far as I know.
I found It very fun.