OK. I Was Just Noticing This.
I Have Never Wrote On The Forum Before.
I Was Just Thinking,Would There Be Scratch For iPod Touch, iPad And iPhone?
Thanks!-Kamikaze Watermelon
If You Said No,Tell Me Why!
And If You Said Yes,Tell Me Why Also!
<when green flag clicked>
<say[ Apple ]for( 2 )secs>
Look at number 11 of that thread.
Apple took it down. Apple does not allow apps that download and run code.
This topic has been answered numerous times before, a handful of which are here (section 11), here, and probably most importantly, here, though it has since been removed from the App Store. There are more places in which it is mentioned by the Scratch team, although the point is, it won't make it to the App Store unless Apple changes its terms drastically.
As a result, I'm closing this topic, because we don't need so many discussions on the same thing.