SSSS's Developments | Import blocks suggestions | RKT mod development
Edit: Now you can vote for this at Import scratch suggestions!
The import function would be used for OS simulations, groups of games, games with sequels and lot's more! You could import a single project, or import an entire gallery! The blocks would look like this:
You could use them with the [blocks]<when green flag clicked>[/blocks] or any other block
mXsoft11 wrote:
GREAT idea!...
dannsalik wrote:
I Think it would be great and work well , i personally like it.
rocket101 wrote:
Amazing Idea!
LS97 wrote:
...... I think it's a great idea and would work well.
The application could very easily retrieve information of other projects online and download them in.
Don't forget, the block could also be useful for importing applications and cheats!
comp500 wrote:
I likez it!
designer45 wrote:
this wood be great then you could put all swifty2's beach episodes together
Pecola1 wrote:
I support! I will just have to take a few votes away from that when hat block vote, sigh. BUT ITS WORTH IT!
gnk2200 wrote:
yes Yes YES YES! This would be perfect! Love it, but out of votes.
Last edited by ssss (2011-01-22 14:53:57)
Seeing as 2.0 is created in Flash, I think it's a great idea and would work well.
The application could very easily retrieve information of other projects online and download them in.
Don't forget, the block could also be useful for importing applications and cheats!
mXsoft11 wrote:
GREAT idea! This could be used for making something like a app store if there were an <import projects from gallery [gal_id]> block like that.
Very true! I might add that
ssss wrote:
You could use them with the <when green flag clicked> or any other block
[/blocks]Can you add [/blocks] after the block so that the text below won't become bold? (See how this sentence isn't bold?)
Last edited by mathematics (2011-01-20 01:24:18)
You don't need to put [blocks] before the block. It 'opens' a new line.
Isn't a good idea if someone puts a "<import Project[ 152896" in his project...
Last edited by mathematics (2011-01-20 01:25:12)
this wood be great then you could put all swifty2's beach episodes together
[blocks]<play sound[/blocks]
I support! I will just have to take a few votes away from that when hat block vote, sigh. BUT ITS WORTH IT! quote me or else.
Offline … the-blocks is an Idea that would allow you to make it and then share it with others!
Last edited by Pecola1 (2011-01-21 19:14:35)
yes Yes YES YES! This would be perfect! Love it, but out of votes.
Nice idea! Maybe have a window ask you if you want to import the project when the import block runs, like "Import project <project title>?" and a check box that says "Do this for all imports", so you could allow or block all project import requests!