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#1 2011-01-23 18:14:48

Registered: 2010-03-22
Posts: 40

Still trying to make a car

I have been on the forums before asking for help about making a side scrolling car game.
The idea was to make a car with separate wheels that would rotate. That proved to be very tricky and I was unsuccessful. I have been talking to my friend and we have decided to make a car (car and wheels attached) and the car would change costumes to show the rotating of the wheels.

This is fine except I still need to find a way for the car to rotate depending on the angle of the hills on the platform. This project here
is good if the car was driving on a circle except if you examine the code, not so good for a platform. Any ideas on how the car will know what angle to position itself at?

While I know this seems hard to understand in writing, please help as best you can!



#2 2011-01-24 14:04:19

Registered: 2007-05-16
Posts: 88

Re: Still trying to make a car

I started a "Moon Patrol" game based on the old arcade game - Never got the time to finish it, however, the buggy works and has separate wheels.

The wheels follow the moon surface - the body of the moon buggy follows the rear wheel and points towards the front wheel so it bobs around as the wheels bounce.

Help yourself, but give credit where it's due!  smile



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