<if><key[ Space ]pressed?>
<glide( 1 )secs to x <x position>)y (( <y position> <+> 150 ))
<wait( 0.0000001 )secsc>
<glide( 1 )secs to x <x position>)y (( <y position> <-> 150 ))
That is the EASYEST way to make a sprite jump!!!!!!!!!!
Hope it helped!
For the peeps who can't understand that:-
<<glide(1)sec to x: (<x position>)y (<y position> <+> 150))
<<glide(1)sec to x: (<x position>)y (<y position> <-> 150))
And for muppits who can't understand THAT:-
If key space pressed
Glide 1 sec to x: (x position)y (y position) plus 150)
glide 1 sec to x: (x position)y (y position) minus 150)
And thats it!
P.S. This is only for the peeps who are making a scrolling background but a static Character! Soz
Last edited by WEESTRAWZ (2008-02-17 16:40:10)
If you do that then you won't be able to move left or right while jumping.
Try this if you want a really simple jump.
<when[ space ]key pressed>
<repeat( 10
<change y by( 4
<repeat( 10
<change y by( 4
Yeh but thats for a MOVING sprite this is for a moving background but a STATIC Character so you can move!
Its not your fault though i didn't put that in first!
Copy and paste this into your Signature if you think people that STEAL your project and say it was them who done it, can't really program on scratch coz they have to steal other peoples projects!
Last edited by WEESTRAWZ (2008-02-17 16:44:31)
I tried the one that archmage posted and it is easier(sorry strawz). But I still need to know how to move left and right while jumphing. Please help me this is my first day on Scratch!
le_cassie_d wrote:
I tried the one that archmage posted and it is easier(sorry strawz). But I still need to know how to move left and right while jumphing. Please help me this is my first day on Scratch!
Heres a simple movement script.
<when green flag clicked>
<if> <key[ right ]pressed?>
<change x by( 5
<if> <key[ left ]pressed?>
<change x by(- 5
Thank You Sooo Much!
archmage, you should be a forum moderator, helping people out.
if you want a simple jump script that is actually useful, then try this<when green flag clicked><forever><if>key up arrow pressed<change{ y vel}by( 5)
<change y by( y vel
FPSFelix wrote:
if you want a simple jump script that is actually useful, then try this<when green flag clicked><forever><if>key up arrow pressed<change{ y vel}by( 5)
<change y by( y vel
That script will make a sprite move up but not back down.
yeah, but then you have
if not touching<whatever ground color or sprite is>
change y vel by -0.1
if touching<whatever ground color or sprite is>
set y vel to 0
Why didn't you mention that in your other post then? You can't expect people to already know these things.
thanks you all
now im gonna make a game called cyclone
well, i figured that with a little experimentation, they could figure it out themselves instead of being handed everything by other people
I combined som idas here and got a pretty smooth jump. I'll post it soon.