i'd like new blocks like move backwards (10) steps
if i broadcast () reapet until i ()
if or if
move -10 steps.
if < (a) or (b) >
multiplayer is aka mesh.
broadcast ____, repeat until <v1=1>
All of them are possible except for multiplayer, which is not really a block.
if you want multiplayer, how would you want it? in the least convenient way?
Last edited by kayybee (2011-01-23 23:00:39)
kayybee wrote:
multiplayer is aka mesh.
@timetravelernick: If you want to learn about mesh, there's a good guide here.
i think they should add some new blocks as well
There are no need for the blocks you want (Except for multiplayer, which is possible). Just think carefully on how the block would work and create it with the blocks you alreadly have. I would suggest blocks which can't be made to be added to scratch.
It is also likely that collapsible blocks will be added to scratch. If http://resources.scratchr.org/ still supports it you could download pre made blocks.