I looked through most of the featured already, and most were not games, just lame little stories, or a bunch of pictures. The one game I did find was called "Gobo ranch", and it was incredibly tedious and unbalanced.
So, any good games out there I should play? Any at all?
People seem to have different opinions on games that they like or dislike.
For me, I find a lot of really good games by going through other people's game galleries. gochGames and SamsGames galleries are my personal faves.
"People seem to have different opinions on games that they like or dislike."
I mean quality games. Even if you only like a type of genre, you can easily tell a quality game from the other 99.99% of the stuff here.
I looked through each of them, and there seemed to be only two games in each worth playing, but one of them was short and the other was a puzzle game that got boring fast.
Quiet_Explosion wrote:
"People seem to have different opinions on games that they like or dislike."
I mean quality games. Even if you only like a type of genre, you can easily tell a quality game from the other 99.99% of the stuff here.
I looked through each of them, and there seemed to be only two games in each worth playing, but one of them was short and the other was a puzzle game that got boring fast.
You looked through 29 pages of projects in ten minutes? O.o That's rather quite quick, you must have a really fast internet connection.
I suppose I could mention a few users who games I like. Try looking up users 08jackt, RHY3756547, glitchfinder, BoltBait, and archmage.
Bear in mind that there are a lot of users here who are pretty young and/or new to Scratch; additionally, Scratch isn't exactly as powerful as other programming languages out there - more likely than not, you may come across a lot of projects who you feel are not up to par with what you're looking for, so you'll really have to dig around to find stuff.
cheddargirl wrote:
You looked through 29 pages of projects in ten minutes? O.o That's rather quite quick, you must have a really fast internet connection.
I suppose I could mention a few users who games I like. Try looking up users 08jackt, RHY3756547, glitchfinder, BoltBait, and archmage.
Bear in mind that there are a lot of users here who are pretty young and/or new to Scratch; additionally, Scratch isn't exactly as powerful as other programming languages out there - more likely than not, you may come across a lot of projects who you feel are not up to par with what you're looking for, so you'll really have to dig around to find stuff.
Yeah, and I rarely ever needed to actually open a project because it was obvious It wasn't what I was wasn't looking for it.
I'll take a look at those users.
I know a lot of users are young or new to Scratch, and I also know I can expect to ford a river of garbage if I want to find anything good. I was hoping someone who could save me the trip.
As for scratch isn't as powerful as other programming languages, I wouldn't consider it a language. It should be compared with tools like Stencyl and "Flash Platform maker", not languages like C#.
Quiet_Explosion wrote:
As for scratch isn't as powerful as other programming languages, I wouldn't consider it a language. It should be compared with tools like Stencyl and "Flash Platform maker", not languages like C#.
Actually, by definition, Scratch is considered a programming language - it's just different from most standard programming languages that people are used to seeing.
Even if it "Technically" is, I wouldn't compare Scratch to a real language like C++ or even GML.
As you've already stated, scratch is a really weak and limited tool. It shouldn't be compared with things on a completely other level.
Welcome to Scratch, Quiet_Explosion!
Quiet_Explosion wrote:
I know a lot of users are young or new to Scratch, and I also know I can expect to ford a river of garbage if I want to find anything good. I was hoping someone who could save me the trip.
Ah, but the trip is half the fun! You might not find heaps of fantastic, polished games on Scratch but what I guarantee you'll find is inspiration. Part of the beauty of Scratch is its simplicity. It's simple (and slow ) by design, and many of the best projects on the site were build by users who leveraged or overcame that simplicity, even though they're probably quite capable programmers in other languages. If you don't believe me, look up Coka's projects. The amount of code compared to the quality of the project is incredible. Other projects are interesting in an educational sense, and sometimes you might come across an animation or two worth watching. So plug your nose if you must, but keep your eyes open as you "ford the river of garbage" because the beauty of Scratch is that you never know what you might find.
fullmoon wrote:
Welcome to Scratch, Quiet_Explosion!
Quiet_Explosion wrote:
I know a lot of users are young or new to Scratch, and I also know I can expect to ford a river of garbage if I want to find anything good. I was hoping someone who could save me the trip.
Ah, but the trip is half the fun! You might not find heaps of fantastic, polished games on Scratch but what I guarantee you'll find is inspiration. Part of the beauty of Scratch is its simplicity. It's simple (and slow
) by design, and many of the best projects on the site were build by users who leveraged or overcame that simplicity, even though they're probably quite capable programmers in other languages. If you don't believe me, look up Coka's projects. The amount of code compared to the quality of the project is incredible. Other projects are interesting in an educational sense, and sometimes you might come across an animation or two worth watching. So plug your nose if you must, but keep your eyes open as you "ford the river of garbage" because the beauty of Scratch is that you never know what you might find.
But quite popular are the Radar, Ghost, Green It and Darkness series. All made by 08jackt. Although the lag is a little too long for my taste, from a purely programming POV, it's awesome.
And also, some projects might seem bad online, but when downloaded they could be really good!
Last edited by subzerostig (2010-11-15 10:31:59)
I really enjoy this game and this game. I can link you to some more if you want.
Actually, One Of The Games My Sister Really Likes, Believe It Or Not Is A Game That I Made, Called Scratch Cat IN COLOR!!!!! Although, Its More Of An Art Program, And If You Wanna Do It You You Should Probaly Play Pinkmushrooms Version Called Color Cat, Which Is Where I Got the idea
subzerostig wrote:
And also, some projects might seem bad online, but when downloaded they could be really good!
Love Your Quote! LOL! Sorry, Id I bugged You, I seem to like a lot of peoples quotes lolz >_<
A couple more users you might find interesting:
You looked through all the featured projects? What about cube...by me...not to um, you know...
AtomicBawm3 wrote:
You looked through all the featured projects? What about cube...by me...not to um, you know...
yeah., and mah ice cream one...
There are some good projects in my favourites.
Or, you know, above those...
Last edited by Kileymeister (2010-11-28 12:33:09)
Kileymeister wrote:
There are some good projects in my favourites.
Or, you know, above those...![]()
cheddargirl wrote:
Quiet_Explosion wrote:
"People seem to have different opinions on games that they like or dislike."
I mean quality games. Even if you only like a type of genre, you can easily tell a quality game from the other 99.99% of the stuff here.
I looked through each of them, and there seemed to be only two games in each worth playing, but one of them was short and the other was a puzzle game that got boring fast.You looked through 29 pages of projects in ten minutes? O.o That's rather quite quick, you must have a really fast internet connection.
I suppose I could mention a few users who games I like. Try looking up users 08jackt, RHY3756547, glitchfinder, BoltBait, and archmage.
Bear in mind that there are a lot of users here who are pretty young and/or new to Scratch; additionally, Scratch isn't exactly as powerful as other programming languages out there - more likely than not, you may come across a lot of projects who you feel are not up to par with what you're looking for, so you'll really have to dig around to find stuff.
Yeah, Scratch isn't the best programming language has a lot of others, but has my dad says, its a start, especially for people who are like kids (Lets not count how many are on Scratch )
Quiet_Explosion wrote:
I looked through most of the featured already, and most were not games, just lame little stories, or a bunch of pictures. The one game I did find was called "Gobo ranch", and it was incredibly tedious and unbalanced.
So, any good games out there I should play? Any at all?
You must have very very high expectations, do you expect this to be like a flash game? If you aren't content, you do realize you don't have to stay, right? Check out my games in the sig if you like.
Try looking through here and here.
Keep in mind that Scratch is a weak programming language and you shouldn't expect anything like the games on gaming sites.
Last edited by Jonathanpb (2011-01-19 23:24:09)
Quiet_Explosion, if you are looking for polished games in Scratch, I invite you to click on any of the games in my signature.
By the way, if you don't like the games you find here on the Scratch site, you are free to write your own and share them with us. Show us how it's done!