code lyoko,tyoko mew mew ,salior moon andWINX SEASON5!!!!^^
Hi! You may want to try asking in the Miscellaneous section instead. This one is for suggestions to improve Scratch.
JTxt wrote:
Hi! You may want to try asking in the Miscellaneous section instead. This one is for suggestions to improve Scratch.
They can't post in Miscellaneous because they're a New Scratcher though.
Try waiting until you become Scratcher and then post this topic in Miscellaneous.
Hey lightnigalyokowinx1, what JTxt and gettysgurg1 say are right; this topic better fits "Miscellaneous" ("Sugestions" is for suggestions to improve Scratch), but, since this is still your first visit to the forums, you'll have to wait until you earn the Scratcher status to post there.
Scratcher status is earned based on website activity. You seem to be fairly active on the website, but not the forums. Why not start off by sharing your projects in the 'Show and Tell" forums, or by introducing yourself in the "New Scratch Memebers" forum?