sparks wrote:
This isn't really an advanced topic. I'll get it moved to "Collaberations"
Thanks for letting the Moderators know with a Report, sparks - I think we'll try this in the "All About Scratch" forum since we don't know yet if this is a collaboration or if PW1336 wants to do a project solo
There's not really a strict guideline for this.
What i'd suggest is you go have a look at others' projects (I'll post a few links below of mine too) and try remixing those first, then try your own from scratch (no pun intended).
The best "Simulation Operating Systems", or "computer like game things" as you call them, are those which contain something new and innovative.
Some of mine which you can borrow:
...and a little tutorial for the startup screen!
Here are a bunch of computer simulations, mostly made by me. You can have a look and take ideas, but be sure to give credit.
And I'll watch you. Be careful. If there is "copyrighted" Super-Puter stuff, I will ask you to remove it.
Remember to always give credit.
And if you want more, here is another gallery. Os's.