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This should go in "all about Scratch", not new scratch members.
If what you're drawing on top of is all on one color, you could "erase" by drawing the background color on top of the pen. If not, then all I know is the <clear> block and then redrawing, which would require some more advanced scripting saving the starting and ending points of lines to redraw.
You could set the pen color to the background color.
Corbinsor wrote:
ian528 wrote:
This should go in "all about Scratch", not new scratch members.
Not helping.
Well, maybe I could help. 'All About Scratch" is the best forum section when asking for help about programming things in Scratch, I'll move the topic over there so more people can see the topic and help you out. If you need any more info about what kind of topic gos where, here's an article that provides more help.
@ian528: The next time you see a misplaced post, why not hit the report button instead of simply pointing out the mistake? It alerts the moderators faster and causes less off-topicness in threads.
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Pages: 1