So I've been working on it a lot lately and I think I finally have the form in mind I want. Here's basically what it is so far:
-Opening logo for AB3 (done)
-Opening logo for game (in progress)
-Options (2 out of 4)
-Menu animation/picture (unstarted)
-music (being created by technoguyx- thank you!)
-Engine for player (95% done, some glitches still need fixing)
-Engine for star (done)
-Engine for level (done)
-Engine for tutorials (done)
-Levels over all (almost 1 out of 6)
-tutorials (done)
-coin system (in levels done, not out of levels)
-coin places (5 out of a lot)
-music (same as above music)
-Level select system (unstarted)
-Options (unstarted)
-enemies (maybe, but if so, unstarted)
-level designs for coming levels (unstarted)
CODING: 60-75%
ART: 20-35%
SPRITES: 80-90%
OVERALL: 30-50%
I will be updating this every other day or so.