hi!! how do you make a scrolling project becase i want to make a racing game! and i will need a lot of help! any sugestions? thanks!
Check outArchmage's project. you can remix this and change the knight to a car, take out some scripts. with a little editing this could work. or, if you want to make your own, put this script in all the ground sprites:
<when green flag clicked>
<set x to((( <{ scroll }><+>(( 480 <*> 0 )) ))
add to the "0" on every sprite. for example,
sprite1 would have 0
sprite2 would have 1
sprite3 would have 2
and so on.
Your character would keep the same Xposition, he/she/it would just change the variable '''scroll'''
Hope this helps!!
Last edited by hello12345678910 (2011-01-15 18:04:26)
Check out the Scratch Wiki article on scrolling - it goes very in-depth, so it's very likely it'll help you.
How about looking at the scipts of the sample Scratch projects. It's called the Scrolling Game or something like that. Hope this helps!