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#1 2011-01-15 08:34:29

Registered: 2010-08-30
Posts: 1000+

Hello New Scratchers!

Sorry if I'm like, the hundreth person to post this. smile

Welcome to Scratch!

This is a basic introductory to what Scratch is.
Scratch is a program where you can make games, animations, and music.
You can post your creation online,    so others of the Scratch community can see them!
Downlod is free.
I hope you enjoy Scratch!



#2 2011-01-15 14:38:59

Registered: 2010-03-07
Posts: 500+

Re: Hello New Scratchers!

Nice post! Maybe, you should describe some more things about Scratch, like its galleries, etc.  smile



#3 2011-01-20 19:01:08

Registered: 2010-11-14
Posts: 100+

Re: Hello New Scratchers!

Smilies   smile
The following tags change the appearance of text:

Bold text produces Bold text
Underlined text produces Underlined text
Italic text produces Italic text
Red text produces Red text
Blue text produces Blue text
If you want to quote someone, you should use the quote tag.


James wrote:

This is the text i want to quote.

produces a quote box like this:

James wrote:
This is the text i want to quote.

If you don't want to quote anyone in particular, you can use the quote tag without specifying a name.


This is the text i want to quote.

produces a quote box like this:

This is the text i want to quote.
When displaying source code you should make sure that you use the code tag. Text displayed with the code tag will use a monospaced font and will not be affected by other tags.



This is some code.

produces a code box like this:

This is some code.Nested tags
BBCode can be nested to create more advanced formatting. For example:

    Bold, underlined text produces Bold, underlined text

If you like (and if it is enabled), the forum can convert a series of smilies to images representations of that smiley. This forum recognizes the following smilies and replaces them with images:

     smile  and  smile  produces 
     neutral  and  neutral  produces 
     sad  and  sad  produces 
     big_smile  and  big_smile  produces 
     yikes  and  yikes  produces 
     wink  produces 
     hmm  produces 
     tongue  produces 
     lol  produces 
     mad  produces 
     roll  produces 
     cool  produces 

Scratch Blocks
To add Scratch Blocks to your forum post type [blocks] before the blocks that you want to add and [/blocks] after. In between [blocks] and [/blocks] type in the name of the block you want to add as listed below.

Motion      Looks      Sound      Pen      Control      Sensing      Numbers      Variables


    <move( produces 

    )steps> produces     

    <turn cw( produces 

    <turn ccw( produces 

    )degrees> produces     

    <point in direction( produces 

    <point towards( produces 

    <go to x sad  produces 

    )y sad  produces     

    <go to[ produces 

    <glide( produces 

    )secs to x sad  produces     

    <change x by( produces 

    <set x to( produces 

    <change y by( produces 

    <set y to( produces 

    <if on edge, bounce> produces 

    <x position> produces 

    <y position> produces 

    <direction> produces 


    <switch to costume[ produces 

    <next costume> produces 

    <say[ produces 

    ]for( produces     

    )secs> produces     

    <think[ produces 

    <change[ produces 

    ]effect by( produces     

    <set[ produces 

    ]effect to( produces     

    <clear graphic effects> produces 

    <change size by( produces 

    <set size to( produces 

    )%> produces     

    <size> produces 

    <show> produces 

    <hide> produces 

    <go to front> produces 

    <go back( produces 

    )layers> produces     


    <play sound[ produces 

    ]and wait> produces     

    <stop all sounds> produces 

    <play drum( produces 

    )for( produces     

    <play note( produces 

    <set instrument to( produces 


    <clear> produces 

    <pen down> produces 

    <pen up> produces 

    <change pen color by( produces 

    <set pen color to( produces 

    <change pen shade by( produces 

    <set pen shade to( produces 

    <change pen size by( produces 

    <set pen size to( produces 

    <stamp> produces 


    <when green flag clicked> produces 

    <when[ produces 

    ]key pressed> produces     

    ]clicked> produces     

    <wait( produces 

    <forever> produces 

    <repeat( produces 

    <broadcast[ produces 

    ]and wait c> produces     

    <when I receive[ produces 

    <forever if> produces 

    <if> produces 

    <end> produces 

    <else> produces 

    <wait until> produces 

    <repeat until> produces 

    <stop script> produces 

    <stop all> produces 


    <mouse x> produces 

    <mouse y> produces 

    <mouse down?> produces 

    <key[ produces 

    ]pressed?> produces     

    <touching[ produces 

    <touching color[ produces 

    <color[ produces 

    ]is over[ produces     

    <distance to[ produces 

    <reset timer> produces 

    <timer> produces 

    <loudness> produces 

    <loud?> produces 


    (( produces 

    )) produces 

    <+> produces 

    <-> produces 

    <*> produces 

    </> produces 

    <pick random( produces 

    )to( produces     

    <( produces 

    )> produces     

    <<> produces     

    <=> produces     

    <>> produces     

    << produces   

    >> produces   

    <and> produces 

    <or> produces 

    <not> produces 

    <mod> produces 

    <abs( produces 

    <round( produces 


    <change{ produces 

    }by( produces 

    <set{ produces 

    }to( produces 

    <{ produces 

    }> produces

Scratchy Scratcher Scratched Scratch Scratches When He Scratchy Scratches Scratch Projects. These Scratch Projects Were Started From Scratch.



#4 2011-01-20 19:12:45

Registered: 2010-11-14
Posts: 100+

Re: Hello New Scratchers!

<when green flag clicked> <wait( 0 )secsc> <repeat until> It works<play note( -5535 )for( e35 )secss>

Scratchy Scratcher Scratched Scratch Scratches When He Scratchy Scratches Scratch Projects. These Scratch Projects Were Started From Scratch.



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