I have a couple of questions...
A) What's the size limit for uploading projects to Scratch? And if your project is over the limit, but you don't want to compress your images/sounds, what else can you do?
B) How far can one go with swearing? Not the major kinds, but y'know, the minor kinds. Because, I want to do a music video, but if the song has one swear word, is it moot?
If you answer them, I'll appreciate it~
Personally I'd be a little cautious about having anything with any kind of swear, there is a large population of younger people on this website and you don't want to be the one that causes them to go "Mummy what does this word mean"
Sorry, I can't answer the size question though, I vaguely recall something around the 10mb range but I don't want you to take that as gospel.
Cool signature by the way.
The size limit is 10MB. You should delete any uneeded sprites, costumes, sounds, and broadcasts.
ian528 wrote:
The size limit is 10MB. You should delete any uneeded sprites, costumes, sounds, and broadcasts.
Especially sounds. Sound takes up a lot of space on Scratch for some reason.
If a song has a word in it, and you don't think it is that offensive, just try and think whether it might be offensive to anyone, if it is, then it doesn't belong on the Scratch Website.
As for words like "hell" and "*" when used in a negative sense, I THINK they're okay used in some instances. But anything that could be considered blasphemous by any religion isn't good, so I dunno about "what the hell?" or "* it..."
Dude, I just wouldn't put a song that swears in it.It raises the chance of you getting flagged.
On the song I was talking about, in context, it's a Halloweenish song called Skeletons on Parade by Ludo, and it only has 'hell' in it, but other than that, it doesn't have any other swears in it. You can check if you doubt me.
Anyways, thanks for answering my questions~
NeoAtVic wrote:
Its a pretty cool song
In the context of the word It's not really rude, but some families may believe that it is.
Its a bit of a grey area in my opinion so hopefully one of the scratch team can clear up.
Paddle2See commented about this on a project not too long agao when someone asked the same question about the word "hell". He said this:
Paddle2See wrote:
I guess it depends on how it is used
[Using it as a curse word] is likely to get the project flagged by somebody and keep it off the front page. ... It's one of those "grey area" words... some people find it very offensive and flag projects with it in it. We would probably keep a project like that off the front page.
Last edited by cheddargirl (2011-01-11 18:32:51)
Not get on the front page? Ah well, I can live with that.
It would be worth it to do it for practice anyways, soo... yeah.
Thanks for the help, Cheddar!