I was bored, had lots of time on my hands (no homework) and missed Scratch (no, Flash IS fun), so I made an array calculator. It can go for basically as many digits as you need. Though the way Scratch has variables, it makes it look like a decimal and very strange like 1.234e555m36456456b5657 like that. But you do whatever number you want, choose an operation, and you know how a calculator works! I'm trying to convert a song from an awesome band into .mp3 and making a platformer out of that too FYI. Anyways, just need to upload it.
http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Bluestribute/250107 Just your basic calculator. I have always wanted to make one
Feedback appreciated!
Actually Juzzy, lots of people have calculators on Scratch. But Bluestributes's is probably really good! Oh, and NO HOMEWORK? Wow, I don't go back to school for another week!
joeyman wrote:
Actually Juzzy, lots of people have calculators on Scratch. But Bluestributes's is probably really good! Oh, and NO HOMEWORK? Wow, I don't go back to school for another week!
Yeah, well, its due Friday so… and mine is the only calculator that uses an array. Which means my calculator is the only one that can go for almost unlimited digits, but than you get the 1.23e4664dj545903e thing goin' on
Thanks for sharing Bluestribute
What else could you do with a calculator in a non-traditional sense? What are some things Scratch would allow you to do with a calculator that a real calculator wouldn't allow.
You might try experimenting with some alternative "calculations" - incorporating your sound and other media might be a fun place to start...
bigB wrote:
i have a calculator with tetris on. its great for exams.
My friend has a TI-80 that has the alphabet and some other games