Oh, and don't forget Gray Bear Productions, working together since 2007!! We have had more than three collaborated projects featured on front page, and are working on our fifth project together. Game making together.
i think my game abandoned city is a pretty cool example of doing awesome remixing.
The game Arena was worked on by a team of four. Participants listed in the project notes.
Last edited by Kileymeister (2011-01-11 18:42:04)
Did anyone say the Scratchable Mag?
1). I don't know of any companies that lasted for long, so sorry.
2). The most interesting remix I've seen is a remix for a contest. That's about it.
3). I helped ZombieHappinnes and that eventually turned into our current day collab. I also helped shrey15 with one of his projects, but other than that, I've seen quite a few scratchers help less experienced ones using collabs, though I don't remember their names.
4). I've made my first RPG by meeting ZombieHappinnes in the forums. I also got quite a bit of help using the forums.
Last edited by ErnieParke (2012-08-19 19:57:15)
XenoK wrote:
I'm surprised this isn't closed, didnt the conference end a while ago?
Well, there's always another conference in the works. At a minimum, there is a major Scratch conference every two years. There are other Computer Science and Education conferences that also show up on a regular basis. So it makes sense to keep this open as a collection area for interesting remix stories
I don't know if The Scratch Chatter would count, but as the CEO, i felt obliged to tell you about it.
Hello, I'm Puppies4ever and I am the owner of ThePPSTeam, an account where we make virtual pet projects for other people. We've done a very large amount of collabs.
1. Examples of companies/collabs that have lasted for a while and that have created a couple of projects?
The PPS Team would be one of these.
2. What are some interesting or clever uses of remixing that you have seen?
In the PPS Team, we all use the same account for things, or the occasional test account.
3. Examples of people offering and getting programming or art services to other Scratchers?
The PPS Team DOES offer programming, art, and animation services in the form of virtual pet projects.
4. Can you tell us a story that shows how the Scratch website helped you or someone else collaborate with others?
The PPS Team, with over a dozen members, has helped me to collaborate and become friends with many very cool scratchers and learn about their work.
Do you know about soupoftomato and Wickimen? They collaborated to write an (awesome) scary story.