Hey I want to put a image on my signature.But I dont know how,can somebody tell me?
Use the [ img][/ img] tags without the spaces.
And don't forget to get the direct link to the picture you want in your signature. You can right-click on the picture, and click on 'Copy image link' and then paste it into the tags.
Thanks,Wait i just tried and it did not work.
Last edited by imsosuperswell1 (2011-01-11 17:35:37)
Ok do this:
[url=img link here]insert link you want the image to have[/url]
I think he's trying to show the image not the link to it so
[img]<url of the image>[/img]
Would be the way to go
Although if you do want the image to link you somewhere you can use
[url=<where you want the image to link][img]<the picture you want to display>[/img][/url]
Hope that helps
Last edited by NeoAtVic (2011-01-11 18:28:01)
[url=<where you want the image to link][url]<the picture you want to display>[/url][/url]Hope that helps
Dude thats what i just said
You didn't have the image tags though...
It only were url tags.
(100th post ftw!)
I have a question. I try to put the google images url, but it's too long, so I used tinyurl.com to get me a smaller url. But, the image never pops up. Can someone help?
kingofdallamas wrote:
I have a question. I try to put the google images url, but it's too long, so I used tinyurl.com to get me a smaller url. But, the image never pops up. Can someone help?
What is the exact BBCode for your signature?
kingofdallamas wrote:
I have a question. I try to put the google images url, but it's too long, so I used tinyurl.com to get me a smaller url. But, the image never pops up. Can someone help?
tinyurl only works for urls, not for files like pictures.
if you've noticed, pictures end with .gif, .jpg, .bmp, .png, etc. They're different from websites.
Download the image to your computer, then upload it to tinypic. it should work and be shorter like that.