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#1 2011-01-04 11:00:14

Registered: 2008-06-02
Posts: 17

Help for a show <:)

Hello, I'm Lyiend, the maker of my stone age old show, GoldenClaws. You may not know about it, in fact you probobly don't. It didn' have that many viewers but the viewers became dedicated fans and I got alot of support along the way for motivation. It was going to have a new season, but I found many flaws in it, my art style changed to much and many of my fans, such as MaskedStar, have quit. I am also assuming if you are reading this far then you want to audition for a show    . I have decided to create a new show, called "Raining Sunshine" If you want to audition, please look at my newest project, It would be nice to have people audition. ALSO YOU GET PRIZES FOR HELPING ME OUT! If you don't have a mic, you can help me out with backround music, promos, advertising and others..

please help out!!

I Luved My Cupcakes



#2 2011-01-11 13:28:35

Registered: 2010-09-23
Posts: 100+

Re: Help for a show <:)

I will audition



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