I have some blocks!
First block:
Formula for first block:
Second block:
Formula for second block:
Hope you'll add it!
I made nine error blocks for scratch. They just report "Error!". blockspecs:
under 'operators':
('Error!' #- #bleh) ('Error!' #b #bleh) ('Error!' #r #bleh) ('%n as an error' #r #bleh) ('%s as an error' #r #bleh) ('%b as an error' #r #bleh) ('%n as an error' #b #bleh) ('%s as an error' #b #bleh) ('%b as an error' #b #bleh)
piisawesome123 wrote:
I made nine error blocks for scratch. They just report "Error!". blockspecs:
under 'operators':
('Error!' #- #bleh) ('Error!' #b #bleh) ('Error!' #r #bleh) ('%n as an error' #r #bleh) ('%s as an error' #r #bleh) ('%b as an error' #r #bleh) ('%n as an error' #b #bleh) ('%s as an error' #b #bleh) ('%b as an error' #b #bleh)
what are the point of all those?
isn't the panther looks block pointless because there is a block that says 'add paint new to costumes'?
Huh? How is that pointless? The looks blocks deal with graphic effects, the add [ ] to costumes has a dropdown of
paint new
I think that's pretty useful, and it does not mean the effect blocks don't work!
sparks wrote:
Huh? How is that pointless? The looks blocks deal with graphic effects, the add [ ] to costumes has a dropdown of
paint new
I think that's pretty useful, and it does not mean the effect blocks don't work!![]()
what you put in the library is useless. it does the same thing as the other block i mentioned. i tested them both.
I'm submitting a block! Imagine that! I'm using it for my own project, but I thought others might be able to use it too:
$Number$ minutes as hours
|t2 t3 t4| t2_ t1/60. t2_ t2 floor. t3_ t1 \\ 60 . t3_ t2 asString, '.', t3 asString. ^t3
thanks to MathWizz for the floor command!
please upload!
Last edited by sparks (2011-01-11 12:29:28)
comp500, I mentioned above that due to exams, coursework an a well and kicking social life, I just don't have the time at the moment to do an update. It takes a long time too edit all the posts, add all the blocks, make and upload all the mockups and change the statistics page for every singe block, so I need a couple of uninterrupted hours to do it when I've finally done everything else
sparks wrote:
I'm submitting a block! Imagine that! I'm using it for my own project, but I thought others might be able to use it too:
$Number$ minutes as hours
|t2 t3 t4| t2_ t1/60. t2_ t2 floor. t3_ t1 \\ 60 . t3_ t2 asString, '.', t3 asString. ^t3
thanks to MathWizz for the floor command!
please upload!
Upload what?
spongelove wrote:
I have some blocks!
First block:
http://i1109.photobucket.com/albums/h42 … 1294747538
Formula for first block:
http://i1109.photobucket.com/albums/h42 … 1294747626
Second block:
http://i1109.photobucket.com/albums/h42 … 1294747708
Formula for second block:
http://i1109.photobucket.com/albums/h42 … 1294747770
Hope you'll add it!![]()
Those are a bit long... Here's a shorter version:
Last edited by floppy_gunk (2011-01-11 22:41:39)
By the way, how come my blocks haven't been added yet?
To everyone who keeps asking why sparks isn't adding stuff, stop! He said that he cannot do updates right now because of exams and other stuff, but keep submitting blocks.
Last edited by scimonster (2011-01-12 01:13:47)
Right. I have finally caught up with the majority of my workload and don't have an exam for a few days, so I am
Please don't post saying your block has been forgotten unless it's still missing when I am done
Loading blocks
Updating statistics page
finishing touches
Scratch blocks added: [4] Shared by StrykerV, improved by Pecola1
shared by Pecola1
shared by Pecola1
shared by Hardmath123
shared by Hardmath123
shared by Hardmath123
shared by Hardmath123
shared by Pecola1
shared by Pecola1
[img][/img]shared by
[img][/img]shared by
[img][/img]shared by
[img][/img]shared by
Panther blocks added: [••••••••]
block name Shared by •••••••
[img][/img]shared by
[img][/img]shared by
[img][/img]shared by
BYOB blocks added: [8]Shared by Pecola1
shared by Pecola1
shared by Pecola1
shared by Pecola1
shared by Pecola1
shared by ESN
shared by SSBBM
shared by Guinea_Pig_Girl
shared by meowmeow55
shared by thecrazyguy and improved by Pecola1
shared by subzerostig
shared by subzerostig
[img][/img]shared by
[img][/img]shared by
[img][/img]shared by
Other Updates:
Rdococ, the three BYOB control blocks you submitted and their script images are broken, please reupload them of you wish
beary605, you submitted some amazing blocks here but I can't get the images fullsize, there's an error! Please could you share them again with us? p.s, use the "direct link" on imageshack!
Last edited by sparks (2011-01-13 16:14:16)
in the operators blocks, for the block, it says class to add the names, while it's instance.
and don't forget, i've been making alot of blocks, so make sure to add them (i know your still in the middle)
Last edited by scimonster (2011-01-13 13:57:48)
there are 3 broken images for BYOB control, i'm sure you can spot them immediately.
you might want to upload them somewhere else, especially if your so concerned with saving space. They take up lots of room, and don't look good. thanks.
piisawesome123 wrote:
I made nine error blocks for scratch. They just report "Error!". blockspecs:
under 'operators':
('Error!' #- #bleh) ('Error!' #b #bleh) ('Error!' #r #bleh) ('%n as an error' #r #bleh) ('%s as an error' #r #bleh) ('%b as an error' #r #bleh) ('%n as an error' #b #bleh) ('%s as an error' #b #bleh) ('%b as an error' #b #bleh)
All you need is ('Error!' #- #bleh) ('Error!' #b #bleh) ('Error!' #r #bleh) cuz the person using the blocks don't care what is inserted into it!
Last edited by Pecola1 (2011-01-15 13:33:48)
Does the other thing while waiting for you to answer.
Both blocks work exactly the same.
Last edited by scimonster (2011-01-17 03:05:25)