Bluestribute wrote:
Bobby500 wrote:
My best would be the guitar hero.
Lemme answer this for you- your best would be Super Mario Frustration (when downloaded)
Actually, its my new one- Marble racer.
Bluestribute wrote:
Juzzy wrote:
Thanks. You guys are really nice. And helpful. That is good information because all my projects will probably stink , but knowing some people will view is a good feeling.
Don't forget some other features here that make it noob friendly (comparing to Newgrounds):
Projects can't get deleted unless the owner does it or people flag it (how come nobody noticed it said '* it'?) for being inappropriate.
No rating system- just love-it's
All projects accepted (again, unless inappropriate)
Here's a tip on how I got famous- use the forums a lot
i noticed it i bolded it in quote
Juzzy wrote:
That is good information because all my projects will probably stink.
Don't be too hard on yourself when i first joined scratch i couldn't understand a thing and then evrything just came to me and now it's easy... The funny thing is i'm better at scratch than the person who's suppose to teach my after school club scratch so now i always end up helping everyone instaed... Welcome
welcome to scratch.
I have a critique gallery for begginers where you can share your projects and get constructive critisism from other begginers. If you want to join just come here.