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I cannot find how to make a forum signature!
For the recrod, im not new on scratch
Last edited by bluerabbit78 (2011-01-10 07:00:40)
Under the picture of "scratch imagine•program•share"
there should be "scratch forums"
below that is "forums home search profile"
click profile
then click personality
type in the box
use bbcode in the box (same as any post) except for quote and code
Last edited by kayybee (2011-01-06 12:47:51)
Actually, it's not old. It was made yesterday.
Anyways, he registered on 10/25/10, so he must be over 15 days old on the forums.
Oops. 10/25/09.
Last edited by kayybee (2011-01-08 00:00:11)
WHen you are in Scratch forums, click your profile tab, and then, there should be a tab on the left side called personality. Click that and type in your signature! BUt, I think you already go that down! Nice.
kayybee wrote:
Actually, it's not old. It was made yesterday.
Anyways, he registered on 10/25/10, so he must be over 15 days old on the forums.
He registered on 10/25/09, by the way.
Signature isn't a verb
How do u put a link to a website with a picture in ur signature?
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Pages: 1