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#1 2011-01-04 23:21:23

New Scratcher
Registered: 2011-01-04
Posts: 6

Tips and Tricks Towards Regonition and Respect

I'm new to Scratch forums, but not forums themselves. Here are a few tips I've learned to help our newer members not get flammed for bad "manners" on the forum:

1. Don't use all or mostly caps.
Caps represent yelling and it is usually considered rude to have an entire post filled with caps. Caps should generally be used to help show the tone of your thoughts. BBCode can be used for this as well.

2. Proper grammar.
If you want to be thought of as an intelligent person, proper grammar and spelling is key!

3. Think before you post.
Does what you're about to post add to the discussion at all? Or is could it be considered "spam" by other members? Is there any potential insult in your post? Intentional or not? Think about other the other people who'll read your post.

4. Read before you post.
I've seen that at the top of this forum, there is an introduce yourself thread that is sticky-d. Yet I see thread after thread of new member having them introduce yourself. Please, read through all the thread titles on the first few pages of the forum before you make a new thread. An excess in threads usually results in a slower site.

Read through the first couple of pages of thread titles before posting.



#2 2011-01-05 05:49:45

Registered: 2010-06-12
Posts: 1000+

Re: Tips and Tricks Towards Regonition and Respect

Nice tips, I can tell you've used forums before.  big_smile

Here's how I'm going to talk because of your great tips: YO IMA COOOOL AND AH AWLWAIZ CHECK STUFFS BEFORE POSTING!

Hmm, that doesn't seem right.  tongue



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