I don't think this was intended to be in Scratch. The info on the drums says that they range from 35 to 81, but they actually range from 27 to 87!
27 - laser
28 - balloon pop
29 - low guitar fret noise*
30 - high guitar fret noise*
31 - soft tap
32 - dull tap
33 - loud tap
34 - ding-tap
82 - maraca shake
83 - jingle bell
84 - similar to jingle bell, but descending pitch
85 - different tap
86 - short bass drum**
87 - long bass drum**
* 29-30 are the same as some of the "guitar fret" noises (instrument #121)
** 86-87 may be the same as "taiko drum" (instrument #117)
The drum sounds outside of this range (27-87) are inaudible.
These are also accessible in general MIDI music, but they are unintended. They can be accessed in Finale by changing a normal instrument's channel to 10. This will allow the extra sounds.
Last edited by MarioLuigi2009 (2011-01-03 19:33:13)
According to my MIDI player, the sounds' names actually are:
27 - High Q
28 - Slap
29 - Scratch Push
30 - Scratch Pull
31 - Sticks
32 - Square Click
33 - Metronome Click
34 - Metronome Bell
82 - Shaker
83 - Jingle Bell
84 - Bell Tree
85 - Castinets
86 - Mute Surdo
87 - Open Surdo
Many of those kinda sound like what you described them though. These drums are not standard in all MIDI systems - which is probably why they're not listed. They're still kinda common though.
technoguyx wrote:
27 - High Q
What the heck is a Q?!
Also, what MIDI player do you mean?
Last edited by MarioLuigi2009 (2011-01-04 19:08:24)