I'm pretty good with scratch now if you need help you know with scripting and stuff like that just ask me here other users please offer help too
Im making help videos as well i'll leave links here
How to get a sprite: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/06dknibbs/249639
Last edited by 06dknibbs (2008-08-25 07:31:09)
The first tip would br motion these 4 scripts will have your sprite moving in no time
[blocks]<when[ left ]key pressed>
<change x by( -10
<when[ right ]key pressed>
<change x by( 10
<when green flag clicked>
<repeat until> <touching color[ black
<change y by( -choose
<when[ up ]key pressed>
<if><touching color[ black
<repeat( 3
<change y by( 5
ill help, also i have a topic like this so if you need help and this topic is getting over loaded ill take some!(mine is in all about scratch.)
k if ya feel over wellmed send a link to my topic, wanna be a team and make a scratch help gallery?
ok first ill friend you and makea gallery called scratch help and leave comments there so i dont infest this topic, and we'll go from there.
Here is a list of resources for people new to Scratch