shamrocker wrote:
I'll make some themes for Orange and Purple, plus the shown pokemon to represent the themes, and the two to represent Orange and Purple. Okay? XD Well, I think I'll find a Fakemon creator. I dunno.
the legendaries you can come up with Ideas but the representers are wobecross and mosstag
I just need a programmer and a mapmaker, but show me some examples first
Last edited by mooster (2010-07-05 22:08:50)
I'll join
Gimme a request for splicing, I'll do it right away.
I have to get off at 10:30 though.
As for programming, I can do that too.
Last edited by BlackMarket (2010-07-05 22:19:34)
I have to get off like now but make a scyther with hitmonchan's boxing gloves scyther's colors
Okay, working on it now. I should have it done within 10 minutes
okay here
Glaciflor is a starter pokemon, and it evolves into Mutoxipetal.
I'll put up the 3rd stage for it soon.
I can also help program the battle engine
also, do you think all starter pokemon should be based around Bulbasaur edits?
I found an old pokemon splice I made on my other computer. Its a fire/ghost bulbasaur, and it's pretty cool. I'll make 2 more stages for it and it can be a starter. And I could make a water/electric bulbasaur
So, the starter pokemon would all be [unique] edits of Bulbasaur.
-Grass / Ice
-Fire / Ghost
-Water / Electric
Last edited by BlackMarket (2010-07-06 02:41:17)
I don't feel like the starters should be based off of bulbasaur the starters are:
lemush:grass, flom:fire, and woyst:water
mooster wrote:
I don't feel like the starters should be based off of bulbasaur the starters are:
lemush:grass, flom:fire, and woyst:water
Yeah, it is kinda weird. The bulbasaur-based ones can just be regular pokemon.
As for the starters, can you describe to me how you want them to look?
just upgrade the first 9 in this project, the starters
I'm in homies. Years of modding ROMS has payed off.
Aren't I on the team...?
I haven't done any splices yet, but I have some ideas.
Purple legendary: Dragon/poison
Orange legendary: Fire/Phsycic
Bioniclefan4 wrote:
Aren't I on the team...?
I haven't done any splices yet, but I have some ideas.
Purple legendary: Dragon/poison
Orange legendary: Fire/Phsycic
I'll add you
I don't need anymore fakemon creators/splicers I just need mapmakers and programmers
I'll be able to do mapping and most of the programming
We are going to have mathmaster create the gym leaders
Last edited by mooster (2010-08-08 09:34:09)
First Town:
regions are woko(main) and is connected to the perteno region(sub)
perteno region map done by bakumaster
Last edited by mooster (2010-08-16 13:47:48)
Ugh2460 wrote:
Uhh.. When is this going to be done?
"Uuh"? don't you mean "Ugh"?
Btw, things like this take lots of time
Currently delayed do to no back sprites. people who signed up really don't help!. Not all fakemon created yet!
If you want, I made a gallery called The Fakemon Files: Rebko Region and in it anyone can put in fakemon (fake pokemon). If you need any ideas, you can copy from my gallery. Oh, and a pokemon game on scratch would be awesome!!!!!
P.S. Don't give up!