Hello fellow Scratchers,
I've been having a couple of problems designing a game. It's supposed to be a frogger clone, here's the link:
First problem: I can't make it so that when the bunny's lives reach 0, the game is over and all the scripts stop working.
Second problem: I can't make it so that once all 5 blocks across the street are touched, the game is won. They also need to be hidden at the title screen, and appear at the 'play' screen.
Third problem: I can't make it so the music plays continuously after finishing playing.
Please tell me the scripts to solve these problems, I NEED HELP!!!
For the Third Problem:
<when green flag clicked>
<play sound[ ]and waits>
Well... For the first problem, just try this:
And for the second thing, there's so many ways to do what you're describing... To help you exactly I'd have to look at all your scripts, but there's a lot of them, so that makes it harder to make sense of them. Hopefully someone else can help...
For the 2nd: On the title screen, have a "Play" button. When it is clicked, it hides itself, and broadcasts "Start Game". For each of the blocks, put:
<when green flag clicked>
<when I receive[ Start Game ]>
To make it so when they are all touched, the game is won. Make a counter; every time a block is touched, it goes up by 1. When the counter equals 5, the player wins the game.
Last edited by MoreGamesNow (2011-01-02 20:11:57)