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#1 2011-01-01 15:47:28

New Scratcher
Registered: 2010-12-03
Posts: 9

Jumping doesn't work completely :(

I found some jumping scripts from various forums and scratch projects but each one of them always makes my sprite go through the platform instead of going on top of it like it does in the examples. If anyone could help me that would be great  smile

I used two basic types of coding since I couldn't understand most of the advanced variable jumping scripts:

<when[ up ]key pressed>
<forever if><key[ up arrow ]pressed?>
<set{ Gravity }to( 12)
<change y by( 10)
<repeat until><touching[ Platform ]
<change{ Gravity }by( -1)
<change y by( Gravity)

<when green flag clicked>
<set{ Jump }to( 0 )
<if><<  <( Jump <=> 0 )><and> <<  <not> <touching[ Platform >> >>
<repeat( 10
<change y by( -10
<wait( 0.03 )secsc>

<when[ up arrow ]key pressed>
<set{ Jump }to( 1
<if><touching[ Platform
<repeat( 10
<change y by( 10
<wait( 0.03 )secsc>
<repeat( 10
<if><<  <not> <touching[ Platform >>
<change y by( -10
<wait( 0.03 )secsc>
<set{ Jump }to( 0



#2 2011-01-01 16:04:37

New Scratcher
Registered: 2010-06-15
Posts: 51

Re: Jumping doesn't work completely :(

Have you tried using velocity?
If not, try this

99.9999% Crazy, 0.0001% Hamburgeh Makeh  smile



#3 2011-01-01 16:16:51

New Scratcher
Registered: 2010-12-03
Posts: 9

Re: Jumping doesn't work completely :(

Thanks I'll try it out and hopefully it will work  big_smile



#4 2011-01-01 16:27:59

Registered: 2009-07-11
Posts: 100+

Re: Jumping doesn't work completely :(

Try StrykerV's velocity suggestion. or...

{when GF clicked}
if <key up arrow pressed>
repeat 10
change Y by 10
if <touching ground>
change Y by 10
if <not<touching ground>>
change Y by -10
end || Fish = F+I+S+H = 6+9+19+8 = 42<<The answer to Life, the Universe and Everything



#5 2011-01-01 16:38:40

New Scratcher
Registered: 2010-12-03
Posts: 9

Re: Jumping doesn't work completely :(

hello12345678910 wrote:

Try StrykerV's velocity suggestion. or...

{when GF clicked}
if <key up arrow pressed>
repeat 10
change Y by 10
if <touching ground>
change Y by 10
if <not<touching ground>>
change Y by -10

I tried doing this script but it makes the sprite jittery but thanks for the script  smile



#6 2011-01-01 16:42:56

Registered: 2009-07-11
Posts: 100+

Re: Jumping doesn't work completely :(

SnowBall94 wrote:

hello12345678910 wrote:

Try StrykerV's velocity suggestion. or...

{when GF clicked}
if <key up arrow pressed>
repeat 10
change Y by 10
if <touching ground>
change Y by 10
if <not<touching ground>>
change Y by -10

I tried doing this script but it makes the sprite jittery but thanks for the script  smile

he will not jitter in presentation mode or on the site, just in the editor || Fish = F+I+S+H = 6+9+19+8 = 42<<The answer to Life, the Universe and Everything



#7 2011-01-01 16:49:33

New Scratcher
Registered: 2010-12-03
Posts: 9

Re: Jumping doesn't work completely :(

hello12345678910 wrote:

SnowBall94 wrote:

hello12345678910 wrote:

Try StrykerV's velocity suggestion. or...

{when GF clicked}
if <key up arrow pressed>
repeat 10
change Y by 10
if <touching ground>
change Y by 10
if <not<touching ground>>
change Y by -10

I tried doing this script but it makes the sprite jittery but thanks for the script  smile

he will not jitter in presentation mode or on the site, just in the editor

It worked thanks  smile  but is there another coding that I could put in so even if you continously press the up button he doesn't go any higher than I want him too?



#8 2011-01-01 16:56:16

New Scratcher
Registered: 2010-12-03
Posts: 9

Re: Jumping doesn't work completely :(

SnowBall94 wrote:

hello12345678910 wrote:

SnowBall94 wrote:

I tried doing this script but it makes the sprite jittery but thanks for the script  smile

he will not jitter in presentation mode or on the site, just in the editor

It worked thanks  smile  but is there another coding that I could put in so even if you continously press the up button he doesn't go any higher than I want him too?

For some reason now its jittery in both editor and presentation  hmm  ....i didn't change any of the codings



#9 2011-01-01 17:02:49

New Scratcher
Registered: 2010-12-03
Posts: 9

Re: Jumping doesn't work completely :(

StrykerV wrote:

Have you tried using velocity?
If not, try this

When I tried yours, it worked better than my old one, but it sometimes get stuck if there are multiple ground on top of one another like this




any way to fix this?



#10 2011-01-01 18:09:36

Retired Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-02-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: Jumping doesn't work completely :(

SnowBall94 wrote:

StrykerV wrote:

Have you tried using velocity?
If not, try this

When I tried yours, it worked better than my old one, but it sometimes get stuck if there are multiple ground on top of one another like this




any way to fix this?

The velocity tutorial I made that StrykerV linked you to only covers basic jumping. You'd have to try more advanced things such as collision testing if you want to prevent the sprite from getting stuck.

Here is a relatively simple project with collision testing you might want to look at:

If you have questions about the script in that project, just ask us here  smile

I've taken a long hiatus, but I still visit sometimes. Give me some time to answer any messages you post on my projects!



#11 2011-01-02 12:36:59

New Scratcher
Registered: 2010-12-03
Posts: 9

Re: Jumping doesn't work completely :(

demosthenes wrote:

SnowBall94 wrote:

StrykerV wrote:

Have you tried using velocity?
If not, try this

When I tried yours, it worked better than my old one, but it sometimes get stuck if there are multiple ground on top of one another like this




any way to fix this?

The velocity tutorial I made that StrykerV linked you to only covers basic jumping. You'd have to try more advanced things such as collision testing if you want to prevent the sprite from getting stuck.

Here is a relatively simple project with collision testing you might want to look at:

If you have questions about the script in that project, just ask us here  smile

Thanks for the link but I think that script may be too advanced for me.



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