Ich will hier den Text meiner Internetseite speichern!!!
<BODY bgcolor="black">
<font color="#ff0000">
<font face="Castellar">
Standort: Hagen
Fabian Gebauer & Cord Steimann
Mehrere Informationen:
<a href="http://www.Diabolo-Info-Deutsch.de" title="Informationen über die Websiteauf Deutsch">
<a href="Diabolo-Info-English.html" title="More Informations about the website in English">
<input type=button value=Help name=Help>
<font face="Chiller" color="silver">
Language / Sprache
<input type=button value=" English" name=eng id=Button1>
<input id=Button2 value=Deutsch align=right type=button name=deu>
<input name=deueng size=55 value="Bitte das gewünschte Datum in die zweite Box eintragen!" Readonly style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: red" id=Text5>
<input name=dater size=10 maxlength=30 style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: gold" id=Text6>
<input name=Entered size=55 Readonly style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: red" value="Bitte die E-Mail Adresse in die zweite Box eintragen!" id=Text7>
<input name=adress size=10 maxlength=30 style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: gold" id=Text8>
<input type=button value=Buchen name=Ordering id=Button3>
<input type="radio" name=doneLE> English
<input type="radio" name=doneLG> Deutsch
<a href="http://www.amazon.de/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=diabolo&tag=googhydr08-21&index=aps&hvadid=8678126761&ref=pd_sl_8imaev6k0p_e" id=link1>
Kaufe dein eigenes Diabolo!
<a href="http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dtoys-and-games&field-keywords=Diabolo" id=link2>
Buy your own Diabolo
<input type=button value="Einen Kommentar hinterlassen" name=comm style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: red" id=Button4>
Kürzlich veröffentlichte Kommentare:
<input name=c1 style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: black" Readonly onMouseOver="this.style.backgroundColor='#0000F8'" onMouseOut="this.style.backgroundColor='#000000'" id=Text9>
<input name=c2 style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: red" ID=Text1 Readonly onMouseOver="this.style.backgroundColor='#0000F8'" onMouseOut="this.style.backgroundColor='#EE0000'">
<input name=c3 style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow" ID=Text2 Readonly onMouseOver="this.style.backgroundColor='#0000F8'" onMouseOut="this.style.backgroundColor='#FFFF00'">
<input name=c4 style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: black" ID=Text3 Readonly onMouseOver="this.style.backgroundColor='#0000F8'" onMouseOut="this.style.backgroundColor='#000000'">
<input name=c5 style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: black" ID=Text4 Readonly onMouseOver="this.style.backgroundColor='#0000F8'" onMouseOut="this.style.backgroundColor='#000000'">
<SELECT name=Select1>
<option id=Tools value=Tools>
<OPTION id=Error value=Error>
<OPTION id=? value=?>
<OPTION id=Users value=Users>
<input type="button" value="Ausführen" name=Runner title="Führt eine der ausgewählten Aktionen aus">
<input type=text name="view1" align=right size=7 maxlength=10 style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: Red " Readonly>
<font face=Castellar color=Blue>
<Script Language=VBScript>
<!-- Option Explicit
Dim Work
Dim Language
Language = "Deutsch"
Dim L1
Dim L2
L1 = doneLE.status
L2 = doneLG.status
call Viewi
Sub Viewi
Dim objFile
Dim objFSO
Dim strCharacters
Dim letters(10)
Dim Count
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\ich\Desktop\Website\Source\Views.txt", 1)
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
Count = Count + 1
letters(count) = objFile.Read(1)
Dim V21
Count = 0
For count = 0 to 10
V21 = V21 & letters(count)
V21 = V21 + 1
view1.value = ""&V21&""
Set objFSO = Nothing
Dim arus
set arus = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
arus.run("C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\ich\Desktop\Website\Access-sories\Anti.bat")
'Dim ObjTextFile
'Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile ("Views.txt", 1)
'objTextFile.WriteLine ""&V21&""
End Sub
Sub Runner_OnClick()
if Select1.value = "Users" then call Users
if Select1.value = "Error" then call Err
if Select1.value = "?" then call Info
if Select1.value = "Tools" then call Tools
End Sub
Sub Tools
if Language = "Deutsch" then MsgBox "Bitte eine Funktion auswählen!",vbExclamation,"Tools"
if Language = "English" then MsgBox "Please choose a function!",vbExclamation,"Tools"
End Sub
Sub Runner_OnMouseOver()
Dim Cases1
if Select1.value = "?" then Cases1 = "Help"
if Select1.value = "Error" then Cases1 = "Error"
if Select1.value = "Users" then Cases1 = "Users"
if Select1.value = "Tools" then Cases1 = "Tools"
if Cases1 = "Help" and language = "Deutsch" then runner.title = "Sendet eine Frage an den Hersteller dieser Seite"
if Cases1 = "Error" and language = "Deutsch" then runner.title = "Sendet einen Problembericht"
if Cases1 = "Users" and language = "Deutsch" then runner.title = "Zeigt die Anzahl der Besucher dieser Website an"
if Cases1 = "Tools" and language = "Deutsch" then runner.title = "Führt eine der ausgewählten Aktionen aus"
End Sub
Sub Info
Dim AdressA
Adressa = Adress.value
Dim Erro
Dim Creator
Dim Namus
Dim Createer
Set Creator = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Createer = Creator.CreateTextFile("C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\ich\Desktop\Website\Errors\Question"&Rnd&"1.txt")
if Language = "Deutsch" then Erro = InputBox ("Bitte Frage unten eingeben","Hilfe","???")
if Language = "English" then Erro = InputBox ("Please enter your Question","Help","???")
Createer.writeLine ""&Erro&"____"&Language&"______"&Adressa&""
End Sub
Sub Err
Dim Namus
Dim AdressA
Adressa = Adress.value
Dim Erro
Dim Creator
Dim Createer
Set Creator = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Createer = Creator.CreateTextFile("C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\ich\Desktop\Website\Errors\Errortmp"&Rnd&"1.txt")
if Language = "Deutsch" then Erro = InputBox ("Bitte Problembericht eingeben","ERROR","Error")
if Language = "English" then Erro = InputBox ("Please enter your Problem","ERROR","Error")
Createer.writeLine ""&Erro&"____"&Language&"______"&Adressa&""
End Sub
Sub DoneLE_OnClick
MsgBox "To enter a language please press the 'English' button!",vbExclamation,"Language"
doneLE.status = L1
End Sub
Sub DoneLG_OnClick
MsgBox "Um eine Sprache auszuwählen, bitte den 'Deutsch'-knopf drücken",vbExclamation,"Sprache"
doneLG.status = L2
End Sub
Sub Help_OnClick
Dim Goon
MsgBox "Welcome to the Diabolo Entertainment Homepage. You have chosen the Help device.",vbInformation,"Help"
Goon = MsgBox ("To enter your language, click on the 'Deutsch' or 'English' Button below. Continue?",vbYesNoCancel,"Help")
if Goon = vbYes then Goon = MsgBox ("You will see the elements on the website appear in the chosen language. Now, if you need more information, try one of the links. Continue?",vbYesNoCancel,"Help")
if Goon = vbYes then Goon = MsgBox ("If you think you might need some Entertainment on a party or somewhere else, and you like Diabolos, enter a date and your E-Mail Adress in the Golden Boxes below. When you finished, klick the 'Order' button. Continue?",vbYesNoCancel,"Help")
if Goon = vbYes then Goon = MsgBox ("An E-mail will be sent to us, so we can speak with you about the arrangement. Continue?",vbYesNoCancel,"Help")
if Goon = vbYes then Goon = MsgBox ("You can leave a comment if you want to, just click the 'Leave a comment' Button and write one. Did this help you?",vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel,"Help")
MsgBox "Thank you for your patience!",vbOkOnly,"Thank you"
End Sub
Sub comm_OnClick
Dim comment
if language = "English" then comment = InputBox ("Leave a comment here","Comment","Hello World")
if language = "Deutsch" then comment = InputBox ("Bitte geben sie ihren Kommentar hier ein!","Kommentar","Hallo Welt")
if not IsEmpty(comment) then Work = Work + 1
if not IsEmpty(comment) and Work = 1 then c1.value = comment
if not IsEmpty(comment) and Work = 2 then c2.value = comment
if not IsEmpty(comment) and Work = 3 then c3.value = comment
if not IsEmpty(comment) and Work = 4 then c4.value = comment
if not IsEmpty(comment) and Work = 5 then c5.value = comment
if Work > 5 and language = "English" then MsgBox "You have reached the maximum amount of buttons!",vbExclamation,"Comments"
if Work > 5 and language = "Deutsch" then MsgBox "Sie haben die maximale Anzahl an Kommentaren erreicht!",vbExclamation,"Kommentare"
End Sub
Sub eng_OnClick()
Entered.Value="Please enter your e-mail adress in the second box!"
deueng.Value="Please enter the date you want to book!"
Ordering.Value = "Order"
Language = "English"
comm.value = "Leave a comment"
doneLE.status = true
doneLG.status = false
L1 = doneLE.status
L2 = doneLG.status
runner.value = "Execute"
window.defaultStatus = "English"
End Sub
Sub deu_OnClick()
Entered.Value="Bitte die E-Mail Adresse in die zweite Box eintragen!"
deueng.Value="Bitte das gewünschte Datum in die zweite Box eintragen!"
Ordering.Value = "Buchen"
Language = "Deutsch"
comm.value = "Einen Kommentar hinterlassen"
doneLG.status = true
doneLE.status = false
L1 = doneLE.status
L2 = doneLG.status
runner.value = "Ausführen"
window.defaultStatus = "Deutsch"
End Sub
Sub Users
Dim a
Set a = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
a.Popup ".........",2,"Internet"
End Sub
Sub Ordering_OnClick()
Dim Ilegal
if not IsDate(dater.value) then Ilegal = 1
if IsNumeric(adress.value)then Ilegal = 1
if IsEmpty(dater.value) then Ilegal = 1
if IsEmpty(adress.value) then Ilegal = 1
if Ilegal = 1 and language = "English" then MsgBox "You have entered valid data into the boxes. Please change it and try again",vbCritical,"Valid"
if Ilegal = 1 and language = "Deutsch" then MsgBox "Sie haben inkorrekte Daten in die Textfelder eingetragen. Bitte wiederholen sie die Eingabe!",vbCritical,"Fehler"
End Sub
Last edited by aliasCorey (2010-12-18 12:34:41)
lol ich habs geöffnet ^^
TM_ wrote:
schon über 100 views, da haben sich ne menge leute dran gehalten xD
Ihr seid sooooooooooooooo gemein!!!
Jetzt aktualisiert...
Kopiert doch mal den Text in 'ne html Datei und doppelklickt
der geärgrte aliasCorey wrote:
TM_ wrote:
schon über 100 views, da haben sich ne menge leute dran gehalten xD
Ihr seid sooooooooooooooo gemein!!!
Haha schon 300 XD !!!!
Last edited by ErrorLOL (2011-01-04 12:25:29)
Ja, sorry, Views.txt existiert ja nicht auf eurem Computer, erst im Internet...