Almost everone knows how on youtube when you look at a video on the side of the screen it says the related videos(videos alike the one you were watching). On Scratch there should be a section on the side of the project saying the projects just like that project.
(ex. Bowling Maddness:(related videos) Bowling, Bowling with TMS5, Bowling Alley).
That is a great idea, but how would they do it? tags won't work, because people just look at the most popular tags and put them on their projects whether they are related or not. If they could figure out how to implement it that would be so cool.
Well, there are a couple ways we try to include "related" projects...
The first is by showing the remixes. This let's people know where your inspiration came from. The second is through the list of projects created by the same author.
Right now, it is hard to use tags as a way to organize projects because some people don't add tags to their projects and some add inaccurate tags.
Let us know if you have any suggestions of features we could add to help add related projects!
I am actually starting to think a related projects feature would be really good. The project Author could put the links of say up to 5 projects he/she chooses as the related projects. other people could offer the author suggestions and using the links maybe a picture of each of those projects could be shown.
mletreat wrote:
Well, there are a couple ways we try to include "related" projects...
The first is by showing the remixes. This let's people know where your inspiration came from. The second is through the list of projects created by the same author.
Right now, it is hard to use tags as a way to organize projects because some people don't add tags to their projects and some add inaccurate tags.
Let us know if you have any suggestions of features we could add to help add related projects!
We could let the author of the project pick the projects he/she wants. If you limit it to not being that authors projects, it should work reasonably well.
Wonderful idea... I wish it could be implemented.
mletreat wrote:
Well, there are a couple ways we try to include "related" projects...
The first is by showing the remixes. This let's people know where your inspiration came from. The second is through the list of projects created by the same author.
Right now, it is hard to use tags as a way to organize projects because some people don't add tags to their projects and some add inaccurate tags.
Let us know if you have any suggestions of features we could add to help add related projects!
I have no idea how it works on Youtube, but it looks to me the video titles are similar.
I'm almost sure it would be possible to implement by *combining* multiple aspects.
> First of all, "related projects" should not be created by the user of the current project - It should be used as a link to more "unpopular" or "unknown" users.
> Project title: "Bowling Madness" could result in "Bowling Game","Bike Madness" etc.
> Tags: This could work by "banning" too-much-used tags, so only "original" tags matter for the related projects.
What do you think about it?
i still think that if the project author chose the projects it would work well. if they werent allowed to link to their own projects it would work well. as a project author you would just have to use tags or galleries to look for similar projects or other people could recommend them.
i think the Scratch website could filter it to show the 10 projects most relevant to the title and project notes. Like, if the project notes said something about testing or using AI, one related project could be, Using AI or some project with a similar sounding name.
Hoopla wrote:
i think the Scratch website could filter it to show the 10 projects most relevant to the title and project notes. Like, if the project notes said something about testing or using AI, one related project could be, Using AI or some project with a similar sounding name.
Or maybe the ten projects with the most similar amount of tags. So, say your game was tagged "how-to" and also "simulation". It would look for other projects with both tags! Maybe the Scratch team could eliminate popular irrelevant tags from this, like waffles, peanut butter jelly time, the devil went down to georgia, etc.
Have you seen on Youtube that massive chain of videos that looks like web? You open it up after a video and it shows the 20 related videos spred out. You put your mouse over one of those videos and it creates more related ones. And eventually, you make a huge interconecting web of related videos. It's really cool.
At first I was thinking that the related projects feature could be added by the title's name and how it relates to another project with a similar title.
Then I thought that when the author post a project they type 1 word that best describes the project so it could be organised that way.