I noticed Dialgaman uses Flipnote Studio for his animations so I thought: "Wowie zowie, if I knew how to put MY flipnotes onto Scratch, my life would be complete." So....yeah. Anyone know how to do that?.....anyone?......Hello? *looks around and sees nothing but a feild with no one in it* Crud.
Hmmm... Which file format does Flipnote save in?
I assume you mean Flipnote Hatena? If so then it's a problem... They are saved online in Flash, so to get it onto Scratch, you'd first have to download a program that allows you to save online flash videos to your computer (such as Orbit Downloader), and a program that can convert SW to animated gifs (such as SWF2AVI)...
Then you'd have an animated gif, and from there you'd just drop it into Scratch, and all the costumes would be the different frames of the gif.
(I can't guarantee the safety of any programs you may download)
Last edited by WeirdF (2010-12-26 10:55:46)
If you have an SD card, even easier. First press Save, then More, then either press Animated Gif or Sequental Gifs. Something like that. I haven't used Flipnote in a while.