This fall I am going to be teaching Digital Graphics class with Scratch for the second year. I am slowly putting together an entire year's curriculum together. Any one with ideas for high school projects- please send them to me.
Has there been any word on the "new " Scratch release ? as it is overdue based on the date I was told.
IT is releasing some time this august. Also, as an end of the year/use of scratch, challenge them to make a demo recreation of there favorite video game. That would be fun for them and would show you what each student is capable of.
Try this
Also see
teachcomputers wrote:
Try this
Also see
The link to the award winning High School Course seems to be dead ( I've tried it a number of times and it times out continually. If anybody has a working link, I would love to see it.
Hi Paddle2See
The link worked for me just now.
and it has always worked for me.
You can read the text for the page at
Here is an excerpt
Loops, Making of Animations/ Films
1. Objects
2. Sequences with blocks, loops
3. Storyboard
4. Making an animation film
5. Upload of the films to the Scratch-Website
6. Algorithms and their characteristics
Textfeld: SPRITE x-Position y-Position direction size actualCostume script 1 script 2 …
On the blackboard:
Objects (Sprites) have attributes and methods (presentation of the class diagram on the blackboard).
Common attributes are: x, y, direction, actualCostume, size in percent (possibly rotation type what is to be changed in the IDE)
Methods are put made in the script area by putting together blocks.
The arrangement of several blocks after another is called a sequence.
Sometimes a block or a sequence shall be executed several times: Therefore loops can be used (Demonstration of loops).
Assignment of the day: Design and implement a longer animated film.
As an example the film Polarbear School“ is shown to the students.
Together with the students the following findings are discussed:
Last edited by teachcomputers (2008-08-19 17:15:07)
Hi Paddle2See
Here is the source code for the html page
Perhaps it will tell you why you can't view the page.
Sub-ID: 322597 - erstellt: 20080819-230755
<title> - Informatik macht Spass</title>
<META NAME="Title" CONTENT=" - Informatik macht Spass">
<META NAME="Revisit" CONTENT="After 30 days">
<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="">
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="">
<frameset cols="100%,*" rows="*" frameborder=0 border=0>
<frame src="" name="subframe322597">
<body bgcolor=#FFFFFF>
<h1> - Informatik macht Spass</h1>
Thanks, teachcomputers. I was able to access it by using the URL referenced in the main HTML page