Scratch 2.0 Status Update please
It is only supposed to come out in the next few months.
Sorry, but really.
Last edited by illusionist (2010-12-20 23:49:45)
Illusionist - retirement has changed you! A troll face in your post and everything, sheesh. XD
Now, to answer your question:
Let's see - there are a few prototypes being passed around, but nothing that's ready to release. I'm going to advocate that we at least share some screenshots soon, but things are still in a lot of flux, and there is concern about sharing images of features / layouts that have yet to be nailed down.
In the design meeting that I participate in we're running into a lot of interesting problems that need thinking through. For example -- with an entirely cloud based Scratch, how do you manage your files? Currently, file management is provided by the user's operating system -- you keep your scratch projects in a folder somewhere where you can find them. We have to think through how this will look when the files are, pretty much, all online. There are questions like: How will you find half finished projects? Who will be able to see them?
We're also spending a lot of time thinking about new features for collabs. Right now we're leaning towards a model in which and owner (s) can invite as many people to join a collab as they like. Members are allowed to edit projects by the collab. When the projects are "published" they are owned / created by the collab itself, instead of any individual author.
In other related news, we recently purchased an android tablet and have been playing with it a bit to start to think about what Scratch would be like on it. The tablets themselves are still really new and glitchy, so there's plenty of work to be done on both our end and theirs before we'd have anything ready to release. But it's helpful to play around with them to get a feel for what is possible / what is different when using them with Scratch.
Anyway - sorry for the all to brief update. I hope to make a longer one with some screenshots in the new year.
Lightnin wrote:
In other related news, we recently purchased an android tablet and have been playing with it a bit to start to think about what Scratch would be like on it. The tablets themselves are still really new and glitchy, so there's plenty of work to be done on both our end and theirs before we'd have anything ready to release. But it's helpful to play around with them to get a feel for what is possible / what is different when using them with Scratch.
Have you ever considered Scratch on an iPad? This would, of course, require a total coding revamp, and in the end, Apple might not accept the app, but still, there's the chance they might.
Lightnin wrote:
Illusionist - retirement has changed you! A troll face in your post and everything, sheesh. XD
Now, to answer your question:
Let's see - there are a few prototypes being passed around, but nothing that's ready to release. I'm going to advocate that we at least share some screenshots soon, but things are still in a lot of flux, and there is concern about sharing images of features / layouts that have yet to be nailed down.
In the design meeting that I participate in we're running into a lot of interesting problems that need thinking through. For example -- with an entirely cloud based Scratch, how do you manage your files? Currently, file management is provided by the user's operating system -- you keep your scratch projects in a folder somewhere where you can find them. We have to think through how this will look when the files are, pretty much, all online. There are questions like: How will you find half finished projects? Who will be able to see them?
We're also spending a lot of time thinking about new features for collabs. Right now we're leaning towards a model in which and owner (s) can invite as many people to join a collab as they like. Members are allowed to edit projects by the collab. When the projects are "published" they are owned / created by the collab itself, instead of any individual author.
In other related news, we recently purchased an android tablet and have been playing with it a bit to start to think about what Scratch would be like on it. The tablets themselves are still really new and glitchy, so there's plenty of work to be done on both our end and theirs before we'd have anything ready to release. But it's helpful to play around with them to get a feel for what is possible / what is different when using them with Scratch.
Anyway - sorry for the all to brief update. I hope to make a longer one with some screenshots in the new year.
I'll stop asking questions now... I guess it only slows stuff down. '^^