Recently, i've been trying to make some projects but they seem to complex for scratch. I know C++ but it would take too long to create the program and i don't have the time right now. I'm wondering is it possible to place videos and sounds in scratch, pause them, and play them from where they were paused. Is there an add-in or a software similar to scratch with these features that would get the job done fast enough? Please help.
Well, there is an integrated video player within Scratch, however if you use it, the project wouldn't be able to be uploaded to the website. It can also play sound files I think... For more information see the Scratch Wiki article on it.
This might be just what im looking for thanks.
PS: I was formerly Chocolate331, the guy working on wwtbam for scratch, but i wanted to make the clock version so you might see where im going with this. I'm almost done, and you've helped me greatly thanks a lot. (: