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Okay, I was looking at this project and I noticed a comment that had a lot of swears in it, so I flagged it. Then, I noticed that it said it was posted '40 years 12 months' ago. Does anyone know how this happened?
This is probably the result of a temporary glitch on the Scratch portal. Most dates on servers are Unix timestamps -- simply the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch, which occurred on January 1st, 1970. That was about 40 years and 12 months ago, so it's probable that this comment accidentally got 0 for its timestamp. Weird, huh?
I've seen comments that were made 2 hours ago, when the project itself was made 1 hour ago. That's probably similar.
But I'm no expert on it, so I don't know why it happens. fullmoon is probably right.
StrykerV wrote:
40 years, 12 months ago? Wouldn't that just be 41 years ago? Why had the 12 month thing?
Oh yeah, .
ESN wrote:
I don't know, but that is pretty weird...
Reminds me of when mletreat's status was a Member.
I remember seeing that
And I saw the 40 year-old comment too. I flagged it also.
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