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#1 2010-12-18 22:55:02

Registered: 2009-12-07
Posts: 1000+

The New Scratcher's Guide to the Scratch Forums

First of all, if you are a new scratcher, WELCOME!
Okay, so let's get into the meat and potatoes!

This is the Scratch forums, a place where people can... I wouldn't say chat, that's not allowed, but... discuss scratch-related (or non-scratch-related, for the miscellaneous, but don't worry, you can't go there yet) things like how to do stuff, or suggestions...

Hopefully you know how to post, but if not, this is what you do: press the post reply button in the top and bottom right hand corner (it won't appear for closed topics), or go to the bottom of the page, and type in the quick post box.

Now, you should learn to make a new topic. You cannot make a new topic in the Announcements and the FAQ, and as a new scratcher, you cannot make a new topic in the Miscellaneous. Press the button in the top right corner, "post new topic" and type your subject and message.

Note: As a new scratcher, I think you can only post once every 360 seconds, and as a regular scratcher, 60.

Now, you ought to learn the sections, if you're gonna want to post a new topic, especially in the right place!
Topics of Forum Threads

Announcements: You can only post here, not new topics. Here are the announcements by the Scratch Team and moderators.
New Scratcher Forums: New Scratchers can introduce themselves here. You should not ask questions here, even if you are a new scratcher. See All About Scratch or Troubleshooting below.
Show and Tell: Advertise your projects, galleries, and other stuff here. I do not suggest advertising them in someone else's topic, especially if it is irrelevant, unless it's a topic of "show me your projects" or something like that.
FAQ: FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions. You cannot post a new topic here either. Mods/ST will move it here if they think it is needed, or they will create a topic here answering FAQs.
All About Scratch: This is where you ask questions about how to do stuff, like programming, or like how often you can post or something.
Advanced Topics: This is not for asking your questions about how to do stuff that is basic, even if the scripts are advanced. This is where you can discuss and ask about edits of scratch (mod/moderations) and accessing the source code. Stuff like that.
Troubleshooting: If you have found something wrong, post it here. You shouldn't ask what is wrong with your glitches in your game, but things wrong in the server of scratcher, like for example, your message count is 1, but you have no new messages...
Sensor Boards: Not used that much (at least by me), but here you discuss Sensor Boards. Lutz is a mod, only for that place though, so don't be surprised.
LANGUAGES: This is a big section, where you can discuss in a language.
Collaboration: Work together with someone else, or more than one person to make a project/sprite...
Request: Request things, or accept request. When requesting, be specific, or say you'll take anything along those lines.
Project Ideas: Discuss anything you are making in the future or something you want to see made by someone else.
Miscellaneous: Discuss anything not related to scratch directly.
TBG forums: not shown on main forums, go to: There you can play forum games.

Reporting! Don't worry, it's not always bad.
If you ever get them in the wrong topic, press the "report" button (it's not always bad) and ask them to move it. If you see anyone else's that's in the wrong place, report it too.
Also, if you want a topic to be closed (people can only look, not post there), report it. Also, if you want the thread's name to be changed, report it.
If you don't want anyone to post or see it, delete the first post of the thread (if it's yours.)
For reporting, hopefully a mod (moderator, see the mod thread [not out yet] to learn more) will come soon and help you.

First of all,
You've probably been wondering that.
BBCode is the forum code to enhance your posts, like the rainbow text above. (unfortunately, it's not as easy as it looks to do that)
When you post, below the big box, there's a link that says "BBCode". Click it to learn all about BBCode.
Here are the main rules:
-brackets around the command
-type the word in the first one, and the word with a slash (/) in front of it for the second.
Here are some basic BBCodes to get you started:
Word effects:
[b]bold text[/b
bold text

[i]italic text[/i]
italic text

[u]underlined text[/u]
underlined text

[color=blue]blue text[/color]
blue text

[color=#FF0000]#FF0000 (red) text[/color]
#FF0000 (red) text

Links and stuff: Note: new scratchers cannot post images and cannot post links unless it is the the scratch web, or the info.scratch website.

[]Scratch Home[/url]
Scratch Home
^^^Note! Many people use this to trick people, so beware! They might say: click my project with the link as "project" and it might be a rick roll.

^^^Note! If you are a scratcher (you can post images), you cannot post images from your computer. You have to upload it to tinypic or something, then post it here.

[quote=kayybee]I am kayybee.[/quote]

kayybee wrote:

I am kayybee.

You can also do it without the "____ says" part.
[quote]The List-apples, bananas, carrots.[/quote]

The List-apples, bananas, carrots.

[code]Here is code.
More code is here.[/code]


Here is code.
More code is here.

^^^The significance of this is monospace. This font is monaco, which all letters and stuff are the same size. Also, BBCode does not apply in code.

Advanced Text:
You can combine things.
[quote][b][u][i][color=blue]Look! Combination of BBCode![/b][/u][/i][/color][/quote]

Look! Combination of BBCode!

use smilies like:
:) or =) makes  smile
:| or =| makes  neutral
:( or =( makes  sad
:D or =D makes  big_smile
:o or :O makes  yikes
;) makes  wink
:/ makes  hmm
:P makes  tongue
:lol: makes  lol
:mad: makes  mad
:rolleyes: makes  roll
:cool: makes  cool

BLOCKS! You can put blocks in your post, put [blocks] in the front and [/blocks] at the end or else all words after blocks will be bolded. Click the boxes that are colorful and choose your blocks. Examples:
[blocks]<when green flag clicked>
<say[ This is kayybee's guide for New Scratchers to the forums. ]for( infinity )secs>[/blocks]
The blocks may look different, so your best bet is opening the Scratch app and building your blocks, and right clicking and saving your pic of your script, and uploading it, and putting the image here. Long process, but it's worth it!

Scratch Hierarchy!
Well, for those who don't know what a hierarchy is, it's basically a ranking system!
Here is the ranking system with the ALL-POWERFUL SCRATCH TEAM at the top:
Scratch Team
Community Moderators
Forum Moderators, TBG Moderators
Retired Forum Moderators, Scratchers, TBGers
New Scratchers, New TBGers

Well, let's go into detail. The Scratch Team is a group of people that help with [the development of] Scratch, and they can make the forum different, add this to that, etc. They are basically the controllers of this site.
Community moderators help watch and edit the community, or website, projects, galleries, comments, and forums. They can delete projects, etc. and can ban users (I think).
Forum moderators help watch and edit the forums.
TBG Moderators* help watch and edit the TBG forums*.
Retired Forum Moderators are people who used to be moderators but retired or could not be a moderator anymore because of the 14 year+ age for mods**. They have the same abilities as regular Scratchers (except for the fact they don't have the 60 second rule) but have a cool title under their username.
Scratchers and TBGers are just your regular users, on the forum and TBGs* respectively.
New Scratchers and new TBGers are new people who are new to the forums/TBGs*, this was made to prevent spammers that just joined. They must wait 360 seconds, or 6 minutes between every post, and new scratchers cannot post in the Miscellaneous forums.
* The TBGs, or Text-Based Games can be found here, and is a place where users can play games based on text there, but there is sometimes pictures.
** This rule was implemented some time ago, go to the wiki for more info.

The Scratch Wiki
No, this isn't something from wikipedia. Instead, this is a wiki site, made and all articles made/edited by Scratchers. Wiki team: Lucario621, WeirdF, Jonathanpb, Chrischb, andresmh, and JSO. It is very accurate and to edit things, you must sign up for an account.

Now, that's all for now, I'll update it later!

Last edited by kayybee (2011-03-14 22:35:36)



#2 2010-12-18 23:10:37

Registered: 2010-01-12
Posts: 100+

Re: The New Scratcher's Guide to the Scratch Forums

This is a great guide. Hopefully New Scratchers see it!



#3 2010-12-19 00:14:52

Registered: 2008-07-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: The New Scratcher's Guide to the Scratch Forums

New Scratchers wait 360 seconds, not 600.  smile

"Human beings... must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it.
-Charlotte Brontë



#4 2010-12-19 00:53:44

Registered: 2009-03-01
Posts: 1000+

Re: The New Scratcher's Guide to the Scratch Forums

I was going to say what Jonathanpb has said. Also, you may want to add more BBCode or it would just look like a wall of text.



#5 2010-12-19 23:13:27

Registered: 2009-12-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: The New Scratcher's Guide to the Scratch Forums

Right, that's always my problem. Okay, i'll do that.



#6 2010-12-19 23:26:41

Registered: 2010-12-11
Posts: 1000+

Re: The New Scratcher's Guide to the Scratch Forums

Jonathanpb wrote:

New Scratchers wait 360 seconds, not 600.  smile

Its true



#7 2010-12-20 00:56:04

Registered: 2009-12-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: The New Scratcher's Guide to the Scratch Forums

Yeah, I'm changing it, but I'm putting a big list of the BBCode along the way.



#8 2010-12-20 01:18:38

Registered: 2009-12-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: The New Scratcher's Guide to the Scratch Forums




#9 2010-12-21 15:24:46

Registered: 2010-02-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: The New Scratcher's Guide to the Scratch Forums

Amazing guide, I must say!



#10 2010-12-21 15:39:47

Registered: 2009-12-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: The New Scratcher's Guide to the Scratch Forums




#11 2011-02-14 19:52:19

Registered: 2009-12-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: The New Scratcher's Guide to the Scratch Forums




#12 2011-03-14 22:35:54

Registered: 2009-12-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: The New Scratcher's Guide to the Scratch Forums




#13 2011-03-15 01:13:48

Registered: 2010-03-07
Posts: 500+

Re: The New Scratcher's Guide to the Scratch Forums

Great informal guide!  smile  Perhaps, you can also mention there are other various colors you can use. Like, gray, white, orange, yellow, pink, purple, maroon, light green, dark blue, etc, etc. But that is your choice.  wink  Anyways, nice!!



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