alright, new idea, since i got a lot of space projects, i'm thinking of making a combined version of my space games, however, i want it BIG. so i was thinking if anybody has a space game, i could add it(or you could) into it, and if the project got to big, i make it into a series. whatcha think?
hello? echo echo echo
joeyman wrote:
That sounds cool!
Dang! ya found me. anyway, no GH3 or aerosmith, will get rockband wii though, and, yes i know it was a cool idea.
Last edited by AlanProjects (2008-08-17 21:46:14)
nope. i like guitar hero, but rock band is WAY better... the guitar isn't as hard on rockband, but you get drums and mic! PS3/Xbox360 version is the best though. you get the charcter creator, the online rockband song store and wireless competion, wii's internet got left out and character creator guitar hero costs too much and gives too little for me..... then again i don't know how much it costs i still think rockband is better though.
so, anybody else gonna look?
Sounds good.
i have got a project called Planet Captor. It's in my stuff. If you want to you can put it in your game.
If you could, my ASTROSMASH would be a great game to put in there! Just go to my stuff, it was my 100th project! If you do, thank you!
You should make a gallery for the different space games, so anyone who wants to submit a space game can go there.
hey, I have one called Wormhole wars here
alright this sounds like too many games. i'll make several however, so we will have a series of 'em. heres a link too the gallery to put them in:
yep, put em in!