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#1 2010-12-16 07:23:11

New Scratcher
Registered: 2010-12-16
Posts: 1

Why is the drum sound not playing?/en/lt/ru

I have recenty downloaded program "Scratch". and noticed that the drum sound is not working. The same problem is for notes. But this button <play sound[  works and my selected sound plays.


Aš neseniai parsisunčiau programą "Scratch" ir pastebėjau kad nėra grojamas būgno garsas. Ta pati problema yra ir su natoų grojimu. Bet <play sound[  mygtukas veikia ir mano pasirinktas garsas groja kuo puikiausiai.


Я недавно скачала програму "Scratch" и узнала что звук барабана недействует. Тоже самое и с нотами. Но нажав кнопку <play sound[   мною выбранный звук играет отлично.

Thanks for your help/ Ačiū jums už pagalbą/ Спасибо за помощь.



#2 2010-12-16 10:16:19

Registered: 2008-10-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: Why is the drum sound not playing?/en/lt/ru

The problem could be in your MIDI system. If you have Windows open up the volume controller thing and check if "SW Synth" is at full volume and not silenced. If it's not then I'm not sure what the problem is  hmm



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