once i was commenting on a project and "WOOSH" it said i had 500 LETTERS OR MORE!! i definitely saw other people having wayyyy longer comments than i did. one time i even saw a person that wrote like 100,000 words!
The code that blocks it is probably JavaScript, and not the inner code itself. Since it's the only thing, you could probably ( I'm not sure ) disable JavaScript, type in a 500+ word comment, then enable it and post the comment. Though I'm not sure how possible that would be, but oh well. Also, if that's 100,000 words... I really doubt it, the most words on a forum post I've ever seen was about 1,500 the most I've done was about 1,000 as well, if it's 100,000 characters, that's a different story, though I'm just stating my opinion. But that's quite interesting you found one more than 500 letters, could you post a link to one? Cause some of the comments may have been posted before the blocker was implemented. Who knows.
I'm pretty sure the website limits everybody to a 500 letter comment. I'd be curious if you could give me a link to a comment that is longer
The Project Notes, on the other hand, can be much longer. I don't know what the limit on those are but I've seen them go on for pages.
Moving this to All About Scratch...
If it was an old comment that you were seeing, it might be that there were no comment limits back then... I think there was a time where comments over 500 characters were allowed (it was before my time on Scratch, though... I've seen a few old comments with many more than 500 characters, so I'm guessing it's possible).
It annoys me when it deletes my comment for being too long (when it isn't)... All I can suggest is maybe posting half the comment or so, then finishing it in a reply?
I've been given a link, but since there aren't comment id numbers, here's the link that I've been given: http://scratch.mit.edu/galleries/view/8205 ( Link to comment with link to gallery: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Magnie/1428357?comment=6082959 ) If you scroll down, you won't miss a 4500+ word advertisement for Wikipedia. ( I'm sure Paddle or someone will take care of it after we are done discussing about it ) It was posted about 3 years ago.
Edit: Not just for Wikipedia actually, and there are two
Last edited by Magnie (2010-12-14 18:31:59)
Magnie wrote:
I've been given a link, but since there aren't comment id numbers, here's the link that I've been given: http://scratch.mit.edu/galleries/view/8205 ( Link to comment with link to gallery: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Magnie/1428357?comment=6082959 ) If you scroll down, you won't miss a 4500+ word advertisement for Wikipedia. ( I'm sure Paddle or someone will take care of it after we are done discussing about it
) It was posted about 3 years ago.
Magnie wrote:
I've been given a link, but since there aren't comment id numbers, here's the link that I've been given: http://scratch.mit.edu/galleries/view/8205 ( Link to comment with link to gallery: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Magnie/1428357?comment=6082959 ) If you scroll down, you won't miss a 4500+ word advertisement for Wikipedia. ( I'm sure Paddle or someone will take care of it after we are done discussing about it
) It was posted about 3 years ago.
Edit: Not just for Wikipedia actually, and there are two
I think the character limit was only added around 2008 or so, so if that comment's 3 years old then that might explain it.
Magnie wrote:
I've been given a link, but since there aren't comment id numbers, here's the link that I've been given: http://scratch.mit.edu/galleries/view/8205 ( Link to comment with link to gallery: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Magnie/1428357?comment=6082959 ) If you scroll down, you won't miss a 4500+ word advertisement for Wikipedia. ( I'm sure Paddle or someone will take care of it after we are done discussing about it
) It was posted about 3 years ago.
Edit: Not just for Wikipedia actually, and there are two
It looks like the copied the entire text of Wikipedia's article on Teletubbies and then pasted it into a comment. Anyway, that was probably before the comment limit was added.
Yeah man
The comment was from 3 years ago
Things change, so now we have so many peeps we can only afford 500 words per comment to keep the server running smoothly (most of the time)
silverninja wrote:
Yeah man
The comment was from 3 years ago
Things change, so now we have so many peeps we can only afford 500 words per comment to keep the server running smoothly (most of the time)