Do you mean a red block, or red script? (red script is the red outline of script)
Download an old project that uses a red block, or use scratch 1.2 and get blocks. They are red. You must export the sprite that has it to use it in your project though. They will not appear in your block database.
Errored block?
Obsolete block?
Old block?
Blocks turn red when they encounter an error, it is most common when you run the sum "## / 0" as scratch can not divide by zero.
An obsolete block is normally what you get when you put a new block (Like the answer block) into an older version of scratch that does not contain that block.
Also blocks that are no longer in the block menu but can often still be used are coloured red and are what you get when you put a block from an older version of scratch into a newer version where it has been replaced.
Last edited by colorfusion (2010-12-14 12:06:52)