Here is my general vision of the game:
I am making an upgrade game featuring mario and lakitu. You are mario and are battling through waves of Lakitu to save princess peach. My plan is to make mario stay in an enclosed space with a certain amount of Lakitu (depending on the wave) until he defeats them. Once all of the Lakitu are killed, a key will fall from the sky and Mario's signature victory chant will play when he grabs it. In the levels there will be question boxes that give powerups. After each level, there will be upgrades, but I have not figured out how i am going to do the currency (to spend on the upgrades). Riding the lakitu clouds will be much more difficult than usual, but besides temporary pwnage these might also give easter eggs.
I have only started just recently (a few days ago) and i haven't had much time to work on it.
Main Reason for posting this: I can't figure out a way to implement the throwable spinies. I am also having difficulty with the more complicated scripts such as wall jumping, moving while jumping, implementation of holding buttons, etc. Please help.
In Case you don't know what or who lakitu is check out these two links:
for info about him <http://themushroomkingdom.net/mariopedia/name/Lakitu>
and to play a game with him in it <http://www.vizzed.com/vizzedboard/retro/game.php?id=684&system=nes&name=Super-Mario-Bros-3>
For your wall jumping and control problems, you are free to use this engine or take bits of it if you like.
Hi goldram6. That sounds like a very complicated game, and I can help. With your jumping and moving scripts, you could use something similar to in my game, Mario Bros DS. It goes a bit like this.
[block]<when green flag clicked>[/block]
[block]<change y by( gravity )[/block]
[block]<touching[ ground ][/block]
[block]<set{ Gravity }to( 0 )[/block]
[block]<change{ Gravity }by( -0.5 )[/block]
Also, Please elaborate on moving while jumping.
But my biggest issue is still the spinies.
Spinies Details: Lakitu is supposed to throw the spinies at mario every 3.25 seconds. Upon hitting the ground, they grow legs and follow around mario on foot. They do not jump.
Is the ground a part of the stage or its own sprite? If the ground is its own sprite, you could use <if><touching[ whatever sprite the ground is ] <switch to costume[ spiny with legs ]. For the following Mario around, you could use <point towards( Mario ) and have it move at whatever pace you want then.
goldram6 wrote:
but then it would follow mario while he is jumping, too
Is the spiny just not supposed to jump, or is it supposed to completely stop when Mario jumps?
goldram6 wrote:
no, what i had in mind for the spiny was something along the lines of chasing after the x-position of mario, se no he does not jump
Well, then using <point towards( Mario) and having it move at whatever pace you want shouldn't make it jump. Try it out maybe, and if it jumps, let me know.
Here is the link:
Please provide constructive criticism where necessary.
I am having a lot of trouble with adding mario-style wall jumping, moving platforms, and power-up appearance (randomly falling)
One of the spinies doesn't move after it hits the ground, but other than that it's very smooth, even online. Keep up the good work!