I understand that new scratchers aren't allowed to post links to sites outside of scratch, But while on the newbies forum I attempted to post a link to http://info.scratch.mit.edu and found I was unable too.
Personally I feel the help site is probably a good thing for new people to point out to other new people
I think it's just that the Scratch Team has forgotten about info.scratch.mit.edu...
Thanks for letting us know about this! It does look like an oversight.
Paddle2See wrote:
Thanks for letting us know about this! It does look like an oversight.
Hey, it is supposed to let you link to info.scratch... oops! It's a bug really... Thanks for letting us know about it! When we get it sorted, we'll post here to let you know...
Testing... http://info.scratch.mit.edu/Support
Ok, I think we have a fix, but it has to wait until some other changes get finished before it goes live.
In case you guys are curious, the problem showed up because we forgot to add a . and a * to some regular expression code that evaluates what links can or can't be posted by New Scratchers. I'm no good with REGEX, but paddle2see knows it well. So he found the fix.
Here's the old code:
if (!preg_match( '/\[url[\]=]http:\/\/scratch\.mit\.edu.*\[\/url\]/i', $message))
And here's the new, fixed code, which I hope we can release soon:
if (!preg_match( '/\[url[\]=]http:\/\/.*scratch\.mit\.edu.*\[\/url\]/i', $message))
We meant for the original to work for all sites with scratch.mit.edu in the url, but left out the pesky .*
That's bugs for you - they're tricky little things.
Want to learn more about regular expressions? Here's a good place to start:
Um, LIghtnin? Since the bug is fixed, shouldn't this be closed or something?
helltank wrote:
Um, LIghtnin? Since the bug is fixed, shouldn't this be closed or something?
Nope, the fix isn't really live yet. And I thought I'd leave it open for the time being in case anyone has questions.
I used to have this problem. Twice I tried referring people to suggest.scratch.mit.edu to my suggestion related to the topic, and had to leave off the [url] tag.
Last edited by scimonster (2011-03-24 11:01:00)
I don't get it.